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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 4 <br /> August 15, 2013, were mailed. These customers were informed of their delinquent status and <br /> were asked to make payment of the delinquent balance by September 20, 2013. Utility accounts <br /> with an unpaid delinquent balance after September 20, 2013, will be certified to Ramsey County <br /> to be added to property taxes payable in 2014. The certification amount is equal to the unpaid <br /> delinquent balance plus an eight percent penalty. <br /> Finance Analyst Howard indicated that the City will request that Ramsey County levy the <br /> delinquent balances against the respective properties. Staff recommended the Council hold a <br /> public hearing and approve a resolution certifying the list of delinquent utility accounts. <br /> Mayor Grant opened the public hearing at 7:17 p.m. <br /> With no one coming forward to speak, Mayor Grant closed the public hearing at 7:18 p.m. <br /> Councilmember McClung encouraged homeowners to pay their utility bills in a timely manner. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a <br /> motion to approve Resolution#2013-038,Adopting and Confirming Quarterly <br /> Special Assessments for Delinquent Utilities. The motion carried unanimously <br /> iLq <br /> 8. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Lexington Station Signage Plan <br /> Community Development Intern Bachler stated that the applicant, Roberts Management Group, <br /> has requested a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment for a sign plan for the Lexington <br /> Station redevelopment project at 3833 Lexington Avenue North. <br /> Community Development Intern Bachler stated that on July 8, 2013,the City Council approved <br /> a Master Planned Unit Development and Final Planned Unit Development for Phase I of the <br /> Lexington Station redevelopment project at 3833 Lexington Avenue in Planning Case 13-003. A <br /> signage plan for the Phase I development was not included in the approved PUD. Roberts <br /> Management Group is now requesting an amendment to the existing PUD to include a sign plan <br /> for the property. The applicant has submitted plans that include the dimensions and locations of <br /> the proposed monument sign and wall signage. <br /> Community Development Intern Bachler explained that the monument sign would be located <br /> on Lexington Avenue towards the southern end of the Phase I development, adjacent to the access <br /> driveway currently serving 3771 Lexington Avenue. The sign copy area would measure 15 feet <br /> tall by 9 feet wide, or 135 square feet. The height of the sign would be 26 feet and 9 %2 inches. <br /> Community Development Intern Bachler indicated there are a total of ten retail bays in the <br /> Phase I building. For the two larger bays at the southern and northern ends of the building, the <br /> applicant has requested a total of 240 square feet of wall signage. The signage would be divided <br /> equally between the three building walls on the end units. For the remaining eight central bays, <br /> 115 square feet of wall signage is being requested. This amount would be divided between the <br />