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PC Packets 2014
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION –December 4, 20138 <br />Todd Vanderburgh <br />, 1266 Wayne Ridge Drive, explained that his home abuts the Boston <br />Scientific campus.He expressed concern with the noise levels created at Boston Scientific. He <br />commented that the proposed addition would bring the facility closer to his home. He requested <br />that the noise levels at this site be reviewed. <br />Acting Chair Thompson <br />explained that one of the conditions for approval did address the noise <br />levels on the Boston Scientific campus. <br />There being no additional comment Acting Chair Thompson closed the public hearing at 7:03 <br />p.m. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman <br />understood the noise concerns at this property. It was his <br />understanding that the proposed reconfiguration could minimize the amount of noise coming <br />from the facility. This would greatly benefit the surrounding neighborhood. <br />Judd BraschRSPArchitects <br />,, explained he has been working with Boston Scientific for a <br />number of years. He discussed the new equipment that would be added, noting it should be <br />quieterthan existing equipment in the building. He explained that Boston Scientific would do its <br />best to contain and control noise withinthe new addition. He reported measurements were taken <br />earlier thatweek and the goal would be to reduce or meet thecurrent levels. <br />Commissioner Bartel <br />questioned how the noise levels were tested. <br />Mr. Brasch <br />discussed how the noise levels were captured stating Boston Scientific was currently <br />within the MPCA limits. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman <br />asked if sound-deadeningpanels would be used. <br />Mr. Brasch <br />indicated a plenum would be used instead to reduce the sound levels. He noted the <br />ducts could be lined to muffle the sound as well. It was his opinion that the noise generated from <br />the site was coming from the roof-mountedunits and the equipment located within the proposed <br />additionwould not contribute to the noise concerns. <br />Commissioner Stodola <br />inquired if the two new trees could be relocated to providemore <br />screening for the adjacent residents. <br />Mr. Brasch <br />stated there was a bare spot on the landscaping plan, which led to the proposed <br />location. He did not object to moving the trees. <br />Acting Chair Thompson <br />recommended that Mr. Braschwork with the neighbors to find the best <br />location for the two new trees. <br />Commissioner Bartelmoved and Commissioner Zimmermanseconded a motion to <br />recommend approval of Planning Case 13-021for a Planned Unit Development <br />Amendment and Site Plan Reviewat 4100Hamline Avenue Northbased on the findings of <br />fact and the submitted plans, as amended by the five (5)conditions in the December 4, <br />2013, report to the Planning Commission. The motion carried unanimously (5-0)(Chair <br />Larson abstained). <br />
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