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06-19-13 PC Special Meeting Minutes
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PC Minutes 2013
06-19-13 PC Special Meeting Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION –JUNE 19, 201311 <br />Two access scenarios were reviewed for the Lexington Station development. Scenario A utilizes <br />the existing shared access located along Lexington Avenue approximately 350 feet south of Red <br />Fox Road. Scenario B includes the construction of a west approach at the Lexington <br />Avenue/Target Service Road intersection to serve as the development’s access along Lexington <br />Avenue. The applicant has proposed maintaining Scenario A during Phase I and Phase II, and <br />implementing Scenario B for Phase III. <br />The results of the Phase I build operations analysis indicate that all study intersections are <br />expected to operate at an overall acceptable LOS C or better. The study does indicate that the <br />northbound queues at the Lexington Avenue/Red Fox Road intersection are expected to extend <br />beyond the existing shared access under Scenario A during the p.m. peak hour. However, this is <br />considered more of a safety issue rather than an operational issue. The City and Ramsey County <br />will monitor this access driveway and consider modification, if necessary. <br />The results of the Phase II build operations analysis also indicate that all study intersections are <br />expected to operate at an acceptable overall LOS C or better. The queuing issue along Lexington <br />Avenue identified for Phase I is expected to continue, but is not expected to increase significantly <br />with the build-out of Phase II. <br />For Phase III, the analysis was completed under Scenario B access conditions. The results of the <br />build operations analysis show that all study intersections are expected to operate at an <br />acceptable overall LOS D or better, indicating an increase in intersection delay from the previous <br />phases. The study reports that LOS D is still generally considered acceptable by drivers in the <br />Twin Cities metropolitan area. Eastbound queues at the Lexington Avenue/Red Fox Road <br />intersection are expected to block the east access along Red Fox Road approximately 20 percent <br />of the p.m. peak hour. The study concludes that construction of a right-turn lane at the Lexington <br />Avenue/Red Fox Road intersection is warranted to alleviate this issue. <br />Based on the Phase III traffic forecasts, SRF determined there would not be sufficient volume to <br />meet the traffic signal warrant criteria at the Lexington Avenue/Target Service Road intersection. <br />However, the study states that if a signal were to be installed, there would likely be sufficient <br />diversion to warrant the signal and provide relief to the Lexington Avenue/Red Fox Road <br />intersection. <br />4. Sign Code <br />The applicant has submitted a proposal for a monument sign and wall signage for the site. Sign <br />plans for the individual tenants on the property are not being considered at this time. <br />A. Monument Signage –FlexibilityRequested <br />The site is located in Sign District 5. Each property is allowed one monument sign measuring up <br />to 100 square feet in area and not exceeding 16 feet in height. Since the Phase I property fronts <br />two public streets, an additional freestanding sign is permitted on the second adjacent street. This <br />second sign is allowed a sign copy area of 50 square feet. The applicant has proposed installing <br />one monument sign on Lexington Avenue with a height of 22’ –9 ½” and an area of <br />approximately 135 square feet. No freestanding signage is proposed for Red Fox Road. The <br /> <br />
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