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CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING <br />TUESDAY,MARCH 18, 2014 <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY HALL <br />CALL MEETING TO ORDER <br />Co-ChairPhil Kramlinger called the March 18, 2014, meeting of the Parks, Trails, and Recreation <br />Committee to order at 6:35p.m. and welcomed new member Jennifer Stephens to the PTRC. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: <br />Co-Chairs Phil Kramlinger and John Van Valkenburg and Committee <br />MembersNancyOMalley,Steve Scott, Chuck Michaelson, Harold Petersen, Rich Straumann and <br />Jennifer Stephens. <br />OTHERS PRESENT: <br />Public Works Director Maurer and Council Liaison Dave McClung. <br />ABSENT: <br />Committee Members Cindy Garretson,Don Messerly, andMatt Trites. <br />1.APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />MOTION: <br />Committee MemberScottmotionedtoapprove the agenda as amended <br />seconded byCommittee MemberPetersen. The motion carried unanimously <br />(8-0). <br />2.APPROVAL OF MINUTES -January 14, 2014 <br />MOTION: <br />CommitteeMemberMichaelsonmotioned to approve theJanuary 14, 2014,minutes <br />aspresented,secondedby Committee MemberPetersen. The motion carried <br />unanimously(8-0). <br />3.UNFINISHEDBUSINESS <br />A.Emerald Ash Borer Update <br />Public Works Director Maurer recapped that staff provided the City Council with an <br />Emerald Ash Borer update at the February 18, 2014, work session. The Citys contracted <br />arborist from Precision Tree and Landscaping evaluated 54 ash trees and found 38 to be <br />Council there was discussion on whether the remaining 16 trees should also be treated, or <br />ash trees that were recommended. The Council asked staff to bring back more <br />information this summer on the remaining 16 trees to determine options on removal and <br />replacement. The Council asked that staff bring this to the PTRC for review. <br /> Mr. Maurer pointed out that the packet included exhibits of each of the parks and a <br />