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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting MinutesMarch 18, 2014 <br />Page5 <br />Council Liaison McClung reported that the B2 District Plan is moving forward and that <br />Council has been looking at some lighting options. He reminded the committee the Plan <br />will move forward in 2015 and that the bridge on County Road E over Snelling Avenue <br />will be out for a period of time. <br />Mr. McClung indicated that Council denied a County proposal for a Conditional Use <br />Permit for a Yard Waste Site and a Source Separated Organic Site as part of the Tony <br />Schmidt Park off New Brighton Road. This was denied because there were some major <br />concerns about the Source Separated Organic Site. <br />Council Liaison McClung reiterated that the City Council will not be moving forward <br />with the Franchise Fees so there will be a need to look for grants and other opportunities. <br />Mr. McClung reminded the members that the last day to order treesfrom the Friends of <br />the Park Tree Sale is April 18 and that this is an opportunity for residents to donate trees <br />to the City.He indicated the information is also available on the website. <br />Council Liaison McClung mentioned that there is no further news regarding the proposal <br />for the old Carrolls Furniture building. He stated that this is a challenging property <br />because oflack of parking. <br />B.Public Works/Parks & Recreation Report <br />Public Works Director Maurer again acknowledgedtheArden Hills Foundation material <br />he received from Councilmember Holmes. <br />Mr. Maurer reminded the committee about the Clean-up Day flyer in the packet and that <br />the Clean-Up Day will be held on Saturday, April 26. <br />Steve Scott mentioned he has spoken to the JDA and the City Council about a site to fly <br />model airplanes. He indicated that he belongs to the National Orginzation and that the <br />organization is interested in helping him organize some kind of effort to get some space <br />atTCAAP. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />MOTION: <br />Committee MemberPetersenmoved to adjournthe meeting at8:35p.m., seconded <br />by Committee Member Van Valkenburg.The motion carried unanimously (6-0). <br />NEXT MEETING <br />For those interested, there will be a subcommittee meeting to discuss the Master Plan <br />recommendations for programming/field needs, amenities, and land use for TCAAP on Tuesday, <br />April 1, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. <br />The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,April 16,2014,at6:30 p.m. <br />