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- . . � : . . � � . .. . . - . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .f . .. . <br />GEORGE WINIECKI: Either one of those plarrs, Plan A or Plan B, <br />I can see the cost-wise of it going on the southern part of it, and <br />I can see the benefits right along-northern part:, because there's <br />already an easement there, but I guess I'm really not:sold on <br />ei�her one right now, and I guess I want to go on record saying <br />that I, living at 4175 HighWay 10, do not want to see it ga an. <br />( �� <br />MAYOR WOODBURN: Any body that hasn't spoken that would`like <br />to? We'11 close tl�e Public Hearing then at this time (8:20 p.m.). <br />In discussion, Tom Deans was asked if delayed assessments are <br />-feasible. Deans advi:sed that there is no statutary `procedure for <br />delay of assessments, othew than for senior citizens. Deans' <br />e`xplained that if the project is t'o begin next..sprin.g, the"assess- <br />ment hearing would be'scheduled' in August of 1985; noted that at <br />least' $110,000 wou'1d have `to be assessed (20% of $550,000 `total <br />:cost for` A1 ternate` 1) . <br />George Winiecki surmised that deve�l-opment of the Winieck-a and <br />Bussard prop`erties could'occur within the"next year or two. - <br />-Chri stoffersen sai d i t` woul d b'e best to fi t the sewer t`o the needs .' <br />of the properties; if this'were known; feel's the better'plan, at <br />present, is to run the`sewer along`the:existing east/west water- , <br />'main easement rather`than through the center of either of the <br />properties; noted it would be difficult'for Qussard to use the ' <br />' sewer to the south along-` I-694. Christoffersen said' tha't the' <br />a] i gnment- of tf�e` sewer wi 11 be needed before fa11 of 19'84 i n order ' <br />to prepare plans'and specifica;tions for adverti'sement for bids in ' <br />the spring of 1985. , ' <br />Planner for Naegele>reported that their property'in the I-694/35W- �i <br />area of Arden Hills is on their list for him to plan or se11`;`noted 1i <br />that Naegele may or may not develop the site themselves. �, <br />Councilmember Rauenhorst then introduced the following resolutiorr I;I <br />and moved its adoption: i <br />:Resoluiion'No. 84-14 <br />E II <br />R SOLUTI ' R <br />ON 0 DERING IMPR EMENT - <br />OV <br />N0. SS-83-6 I <br />> I <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Arden Hills, <br />Mi nne`sota, t�hat i n accordance wi th `the' provi s i ons of Mi nnesota : <br />Statutes 19b1, Chapter: 429, as amended, 'the' Council he1'd a publ ic <br />-hearing on the proposed construction of Im�rovement No. SS-83-6, <br />consisting of the installation of trunk san'itary sewer and <br />necessary appurtenances from Sewer Pumping Station No.'10 southerly <br />to I-694, then westerly to I-35W, just north of its intersection �; <br />with I-b94,`and then t'o the'Metropolitan Waste Control Gommission <br />Interceptor located near T-35W in N:ew`Brighton, in the'area'as <br />described in the Notice of Hearing, at a cost presently estimated <br />at $580,000, and substantially in accordance with the �reliminary <br />report as to the feasibili'ty thereof which is now o.f fiie in the ; <br />12 <br />