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and gutter, and acquisition to serve the Royal Hills North plat. <br />� One-half of proQosed Arden Hills Drive is within the Royal Hi�.ls <br />_�� North Plat and one-half is outside the plat. Essentially sani- <br />tary sewer and watermain follow the street of Royal Hills Drive. <br />Arden Hills Drive is the`extension of the street coming through <br />from the Townhouse Villages. We propase to construct a 73 inch <br />storm sewer in accordance with the Arden Hills west and nortfiwest <br />drainage plan to Royal Hills Drive and then westerly under <br />Snelling Avenue where it will discharqe into open clitches. We <br />propose to connect or extend a 15° storm sewer northeasterly of <br />the intersection of Aden Hills Drive to the appropriate catch <br />basins. � wou�.d like to remind you that 150 to 200 feet of the <br />existing street would have to be reconstructed to meet the <br />existing street grades and also 30 feet will be on the,abutting <br />properties to the north and we are also proposing, although it <br />�oes not show on the plan, some kind of sewers from underneath <br />the street and approp�iately we believe that the property on the <br />nortfi could be platted very similarly to that on the south. We <br />believe that this project is Feasible. <br />Mayor Woodburn: Mr: Deans, will you now explain the proposed <br />finances? _ <br />Thomas Deans: Mayor and members of the council, th� <br />published cost of thi� project is $432,000 including cap:italized <br />interest and easement costs. The area to be assessed would be as <br />\ <br />shown in the notice, basically the Roya1 Hills North plat. There <br />