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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION –APRIL 21, 20143 <br />Councilmember Holden <br />questioned when the City’s recycling contract was up for negotiation. <br />City Planner Streff <br />reported that the contract ran through March of 2015. <br />Mayor Grant <br />preferred to see acompetitive bid for recycling services. <br />Councilmember Werner <br />stated that Shoreview has single stream recycling. He anticipated that <br />this service would cost the City more money. <br />City Planner Streff <br />reviewed the pricing information stating that the rates would vary depending <br />on whether the City kept weekly pickup, or changed to every other week pickup,for recyclables. <br />Councilmember Holden <br />asked if there was a market now for the #4 and #5 plastics. <br />City Planner Streff <br />understood that #3 and #6 plastics were the only recyclables that had no <br />market. All other plastic recyclables had a market. <br />Chris Goodwin <br />, Eureka Recycling, statedthatthe reason #4 and #5 plastics were not collected <br />before was because there was not a proper chain of custody. Hereported that over the past five <br />years, there has been a lot of market development in the plastics industry for these materials. <br />Mayor Grant <br />stated that if the City were to move to single stream recycling, residents may have a <br />difficult time storing the larger container. This would then create a code enforcement issue if <br />residents stored the container outside of their garage. <br />Councilmember McClung <br />commented that he has received a number of phone calls from <br />residents requesting single streamrecycling,with the large carts. He supported the single stream <br />recycling and wanted to see staff pursue this option. He believed that the project should be <br />competitively bid. <br />Councilmember Holden <br />questioned if the current recycling contract could be amended to allow <br />for single stream recycling. <br />City Planner Streff <br />explained that a contract amendment would allow for single stream recycling <br />through March 1, 2015, without purchasing carts and changing vendors. He indicatedthatstaff <br />could pursue bids from othervendors in the meantime, to assist in lowering the costs to residents. <br />Mayor Grant <br />discussed the revenue share plan with Eureka. He inquired if the revenue sharing <br />would continue going forward. <br />City Planner Streff <br />understood that the City currently receives50% of the revenues from Eureka, <br />but that could changeif the City were to pursue single stream recycling or another recycling <br />vendor. <br />Mayor Grant <br />asked if Eureka had the ability to manage single stream recycling from the City’s <br />current bins. <br />