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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes April 15, 2014 <br />Page 5 <br />C. Off-Site Meeting Discussion <br />Ms. Olson recapped that each year the committee schedules one to two off-site meetings <br />with at least one held at Cummings Park. Last year one off-site meeting was scheduled <br />for Floral Park but due to the weather it was moved back to City Hall. Ms. Olson <br />suggested the PTRC have an off-site meeting at Floral Park in May and then also have <br />another off-site meeting sometime in September. After discussion it was the consensus <br />of the committee to also have an off-site meeting at Floral and Perry Park and to do a trail <br />walk in August. <br />Committee Member Messerly suggested having a joint meeting with the New Brighton <br />Parks and Recreation Committee as they had done in the past. Committee Member <br />Straumann also recommended the PTRC contact Ramsey County Parks and Recreation <br />for a joint meeting. Ms. Olson indicated she would contact Sandy Brewer from the City <br />of New Brighton to see if they would be interested in having a joint meeting in <br />September and will work with Mr. Straumann on contacting Ramsey County for a joint <br />meeting as well. <br />D. Other New Business <br />Guest Katchel recapped that a prior meeting there was discussion about road safety, more <br />specifically about Snelling Avenue and Hwy 96, and possibly moving curb cuts and/or <br />reducing the speed limit. He informed he did some research and there are several signs <br />in the townhome development off Hamline that have signs under 30 mph. He stated he is <br />not sure what process had to be taken to reduce the speed limit and suggests this be done <br />for Snelling Avenue North. Mr. McClung indicated that, by statute, all City streets are <br />set at 30 mph unless there is specific legislation that is passed to set a different speed <br />limit. He indicated in order to get the speed limit reduced the Commissioner of <br />Transportation needs to be contacted and they then proceed with a traffic study. <br />Ms. Olson informed that this was brought to Council in the past, and Council felt trying <br />to get the speed limit reduced could potentially backfire if it is determined from the <br />traffic study that the speed limit should be raised instead of lowered. She suggested that <br />Mr. Katchel contact Public Works Director Maurer for information on the process <br />involved in trying to get the speed limit reduced. <br />5. REPORTS <br />A.Subcommittee Reports <br />Committee Member Straumann reported that he facilitated the TCAAP subcommittee <br />meeting by providing some maps. He added that the subcommittee looked at the trails <br />inside TCAAP and his recommendation is that they get a draft map of what trails look <br />like north of 96. He indicated the subcommittee recommends that the trails connect to <br />the other communities all the way around and also recommends having some crossing <br />over Hwy 96, at the sound end, as it is a safety issue. Ms. Olson pointed out that the <br />