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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes April 15, 2014 <br />Page 6 <br />PTRC had recommended an underpass when Hwy 96 was being redone and Council did <br />not choose to do that. She indicated, however, if it is something the subcommittee is <br />interested in they should mention it to the Council. <br />Mr. Straumann indicated other items they recommend are to make sure there are trails <br />and sidewalks on the central road, having an open green connecting trails, making sure <br />that the trails connect the neighborhoods, parks and town center, and having the trail on <br />the east side which is also in the Master Plan. <br />Mr. Straumann indicated the subcommittee basically wanted to emphasize on the trails <br />and the interconnectivity to the communities because that was not really brought out in <br />the Master Plan. They would like to bring this forward to Council as well. <br />MOTION: <br /> Committee Member Straumann motioned to include this as the trail recommendation <br />for the Master Plan seconded by Committee Member Stephens. The motion carried <br />unanimously (8-0). <br />Co-Chair Van Valkenburg asked that, at the next meeting, the subcommittee give a <br />presentation on interconnectivity within the County and the region. <br />Ms. Olson suggested Committee Member Straumann send her the map so that she can <br />enlar ge it for next meetingÓs discussion. <br />Ms. Olson also asked that Co-Chair Van Valkenburg give a brieft update on the Trail <br />Safety Subcommittee. <br />Co-Chair Van Valkenburg reported that the subcommittee plans on doing more research <br />before presenting to the PTRC and to Council. They plan on contacting one of the local <br />colleges to see if an upperclassman could get credit for doing research for the Safety <br />Committee in the form of an externship. Committee Member Straumann reported that <br />Ramsey County is doing something similar to that and will be hiring an intern to do <br />research for a bike trail study. <br />B.City Council Report <br />Council Liaison McClung indicated that two to three meetings will be added each month <br />focusing on TCAAP. <br />Mr. McClung reported that there was a TCAAP work session last night and that at these <br />meetings Community Development Director Hutmacher provides updates on TCAAP <br />along with a list of upcoming meetings. Mr. McClung welcomed the PTRC members to <br />come to any of the presentations if they find a topic of interest. He indicated that at the <br />next TCAAP work session Council will be focusing on the proposals from the PTRC <br />regarding the parks and trails and recommended they attend and participate in the <br />discussion. <br />