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.I <br />INCLUDING NEARBY SENSITIVE RECEPTORS AND QUALITY OF LIFEDENTIFY MEASURES THAT WILL BE TAKEN <br />. <br />TO MINIMIZE OR MITIGATE THE EFFECTS OF DUST AND ODORS <br />AUAR Guidance: Dust and odors need not be addressed in an AUAR, unless there is some unusual reason <br />to do so. The RGU might want to discuss as part of the mitigation plan, however, any dust control <br />ordinances in effect. <br />17.N <br />OISE <br />D,,,, <br />ESCRIBE SOURCES CHARACTERISTICS DURATION QUANTITIES AND INTENSITY OF NOISE GENERATED DURING <br />.D <br />PROJECT CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIONISCUSS THE EFFECT OF NOISE IN THE VICINITY OF THE PROJECT <br />1)/,2),3) <br />INCLUDING EXISTING NOISE LEVELSSOURCES IN THE AREA NEARBY SENSITIVE RECEPTORS <br />,4).I <br />CONFORMANCE TO STATE NOISE STANDARDS AND QUALITY OF LIFEDENTIFY MEASURES THAT WILL BE TAKEN <br />. <br />TO MINIMIZE OR MITIGATE THE EFFECTS OF NOISE <br />AUAR Guidance: Noise need not be addressed in an AUAR, unless there is some unusual reason to do so. The <br />RGU might want to discuss as part of the mitigation plan, however, any construction noise ordinances in effect. If <br />the area will include or adjoin major noise sources, a noise analysis is needed to determine if any noise levels in <br />excel of standards would occur, and if so, to identify appropriate mitigation measures. With respect to traffic- <br />generated noise, the noise analysis should be based on the traffic analysis of Item 18. <br />As stated in the AUAR guidelines, construction noise need not be addressed unless there is some unusual <br />reason to do so. No unusual circumstances have been identified that would necessitate a detailed noise <br />analysis. It should also be noted that all county roads are exempt from State noise standards. <br />A sound increase of three dBA is barely noticeable by the human ear, a five dBA increase is clearly noticeable, <br />and a 10 dBA increase is heard as twice as loud. For example, if the sound energy is doubled (i.e., the amount <br />of traffic doubles), there is a three dBA increase in noise, which is just barely noticeable to most people. On the <br />other hand, if traffic increases by a factor of 10, the resulting sound level will increase by about 10 dBA and be <br />heard as twice as loud. <br />Traffic volumes in the project area are either on roadways that do not have receivers that are sensitive to noise, <br />or, the traffic levels attributable to the project are well below the amount that would generate a sound increase <br />that could be noticeable. Residential areas exist on US 10 between CR 96 and I-35W, as well as along CR 96 to <br />the east of the project. The highest traffic volume generated by the project is projected to be approximately 5,000 <br />vehicles per day on US10 between CR 96 and I-35W, which is approximately 10 percent of the background total <br />daily traffic volume of approximately 50,000 that will exist on this roadway segment. The highest traffic volume <br />generated by the project on CR 96 east of the project area is projected to be approximately 10,000 vehicles per <br />day, which is approximately 40 percent of the background total daily traffic volume of approximately 25,000 that <br />will exist on this roadway segment. Noise walls are currently being constructed along CR 96 west of US 10, and <br />along US 10 for a short distance north of CR 96, as part of the 96/10 interchange construction project. <br />The AUAR study area will be developed such that any land use activities that are sensitive to noise will have <br />sufficient setbacks from existing noise sources to thereby reduce the potential for any noise impact. These <br />details will be determined as the project development proceeds. <br />Construction within the AUAR study area will result in increases in traffic noise of less than 3.0 dBA. A change in <br />sound levels of three dBA is barely noticeable by the human ear. Therefore, the change in traffic noise levels is <br />not anticipated to be readily perceptible. To the extent possible, construction activities will be conducted in a way <br />such that noise levels are minimized, and that nighttime construction activities are kept to a minimum. <br />June 2014– Final AUAR23 <br />
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