<br />City of Arden Hills
<br />General Fund Summary
<br />2014 QTR. 2 Revenues
<br />BudgetAmendedYear To DateBalanceYTD
<br />ActivityFY 2014FY 201406/30/2014Avaiable% of Budgeted
<br />Taxes
<br />101-41300-31010Current Ad Valorem Taxes3,257,456$ 3,257,456$ -$ 3,257,456 0.00%
<br />101-41300-31011Payments in Lieu of Taxes- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41300-31020Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes22,000 22,000 - 22,000 0.00%
<br />101-41300-31030Mobile Home Tax7,500 7,500 - 7,500 0.00%
<br />101-41300-31040Fiscal Disparities -- - - 0.00%
<br />101-41300-31510Aggregate Removal Tax600 600 - 600 0.00%
<br />101-41300-31910Penalties & Interest on Taxes- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41300-31920Forfeited Tax Sales- - - - 0.00%
<br />Total Taxes3,287,556 3,287,556 - 3,287,556 0.00%
<br />Licenses and Permits
<br />101-41300-32110Liquor, On Sale & Sunday24,000 24,000 19,154 4,846 79.81%
<br />101-41300-32111Liquor, Off Sale -- 462 (462) 0.00%
<br />101-41300-32150Inspection Fees2,000 2,000 948 1,052 47.40%
<br />101-41300-32160Contractors 6,7506,750 5,927 823 87.81%
<br />101-41910-32170Rental Regulation Fee3,400 3,400 3,402 (2) 100.06%
<br />101-41300-32180Business Licenses13,650 13,650 8,834 4,816 64.72%
<br />101-41300-32181Other Business Lic/Permits1,500 1,500 158 1,342 10.53%
<br />101-41300-32182Tabacco License1,300 1,300 1,342 (42) 103.23%
<br />101-42400-32210Plan Review & Bldg Permits133,000 133,000 63,252 69,748 47.56%
<br />101-42400-32220Mechanical Permits26,000 26,000 11,692 14,308 44.97%
<br />101-42400-32230Plumbing Permits10,000 10,000 6,952 3,048 69.52%
<br />101-41300-32240Animal Licenses2,200 2,200 2,380 (180) 108.16%
<br />101-41910-32250Sign Permits 893893 1,202 (309) 134.60%
<br />101-41300-32250Sign Permit Renewal2,100 2,100 1,428 672 68.00%
<br />101-42400-32260Electrical Permits20,000 20,000 10,099 9,901 50.50%
<br />101-42400-32270Utility Permit Fees300 300 2,209 (1,909) 736.33%
<br />101-42400-32275Fire Suppression Permits6,000 6,000 3,475 2,525 57.91%
<br />101-42400-32278Fire Permit Plan Check Fee3,000 3,000 1,771 1,229 59.05%
<br />101-41910-32279Erosion/Grading Permit1,680 1,680 790 890 47.02%
<br />101-41300-32280Other Nonbusiness Lic/Permits2,100 2,100 50 2,050 2.38%
<br />Total Licenses and Permits259,873 259,873 145,526 114,347 56.00%
<br />Intergovernmental Revenues
<br />101-41300-33402Market Value Homestead Credit- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41300-33403Mobile Home Homestead Credit- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41300-33420State PERA Aid5,179 5,179 - 5,179 0.00%
<br />101-41500-33421Local Preformance Aid- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-42100-33416Police Aid 37,07337,073 1 37,072 0.00%
<br />101-43100-33418MSA Maintenance75,028 75,028 39,643 35,385 52.84%
<br />101-41910-33422State Grants -- - - 0.00%
<br />101-41600-33610County Grants & Aids20,820 - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41410-33621Other County Grants & Aids- - - - 0.00%
<br />Other Intergovernmental138,100 117,280 39,644 77,636 33.80%
<br />Charges for Services
<br />101-41910-34103Zoning and Subdivision Fees- - 128 (128) 0.00%
<br />101-41910-34104Plan Checking Fees- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41300-34105Sale of Maps and Publications- - 4 (4) 0.00%
<br />101-41910-34106Plat & Other Fees10,000 10,000 4,830 5,170 48.30%
<br />101-41300-34108Admin Chgs from other funds24,180 24,180 - 24,180 0.00%
<br />101-41500-34108Admin Chgs from other funds54,014 54,014 - 54,014 0.00%
<br />101-41940-34108Admin Chgs from other funds87,885 87,885 - 87,885 0.00%
<br />101-41910-34110Zoning Permit Fees893 893 596 297 66.74%
<br />101-41500-34250Business Subsidiary App Fee2,000 2,000 - 2,000 0.00%
<br />101-41300-34120Water Tower Antenna Rentals76,486 76,486 61,535 14,951 80.45%
<br />101-41300-34121Other General Govt Charges3,500 3,500 3,368 132 96.23%
<br />101-41500-34122Admin Charge-Staff Time- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-42400-34104Plan Check Fee42,000 42,000 26,019 15,981 61.95%
<br />101-42100-34202False Alarms 1,0001,000 480 520 48.00%
<br />101-42100-34206Impound Fees -- - - 0.00%
<br />101-42400-34207State Building Code Surcharges8,000 8,000 3,550 4,450 44.37%
<br />101-42400-34208City Building Code Surcharges1,000 1,000 535 465 53.50%
<br />101-41940-34101City Hall Rental -- - - 0.00%
<br />101-45200-34300Park Facility Rental Fees4,230 4,230 - 4,230 0.00%
<br />101-45200-34301Youth Program Field Use3,675 3,675 3,472 203 94.48%
<br />101-45200-34302Adult Program Field Use1,600 1,600 - 1,600 0.00%
<br />101-45120-34730Summer Playground Fees14,500 14,500 15,135 (635) 104.38%
<br />101-45120-34740Summer Trip Fees -- - - 0.00%
<br />101-45120-34781Adult Programs31,000 31,000 21,735 9,265 70.11%
<br />101-45120-34782Youth Programs40,000 40,000 34,829 5,171 87.07%
<br />101-45120-34785Adult Softball -- - - 0.00%
<br />101-45120-34790After School Programs10,000 10,000 7,051 2,949 70.51%
<br />101-45120-34791Special Events Programs1,500 1,500 726 774 48.40%
<br />101-41500-34950Other Charges for Services- - 35 (35) 0.00%
<br />101-41910-34950Other Charges for Services105 105 - 105 0.00%
<br />Total Charges for Services417,568 417,568 184,028 233,540 44.07%
<br />