BudgetAmendedYear To DateBalanceYTD
<br />ActivityFY 2014FY 201406/30/2014Avaiable% of Budgeted
<br />Fines & Forfeits
<br />101-42100-35110Highway Patrol Fines2,000 2,000 350 1,650 17.50%
<br />101-42100-35130DWI Forfeitures 500500 2,703 (2,203) 540.68%
<br />101-42100-35140Violations Bureau16,000 16,000 6,891 9,109 43.07%
<br />101-42100-35150Tobacco Fines 300300 - 300 0.00%
<br />101-42100-35160Administrative Fines12,600 12,600 - 12,600 0.00%
<br />101-42100-35200Forfeits 500500 - 500 0.00%
<br />Total Fines & Forfeits31,900 31,900 9,944 21,956 31.17%
<br />Special Assessments
<br />101-41300-36100Special Assessments1,822 1,822 - 1,822 0.00%
<br />101-41300-36101Delinquent Sp Assessments- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41300-36102Penalties and Int Sp Assessments- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41300-36103PrePaid Special Assessments- - - - 0.00%
<br />Total Special Assessments1,822 1,822 - 1,822 0.00%
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />101-41300-36210Interest Income65,000 65,000 18,996 46,004 29.22%
<br />101-41300-36230Contributions/Donations3,600 3,600 - 3,600 0.00%
<br />101-41940-36230Contributions/Donations- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-45120-36230Contributions/Donations- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-45400-36230Contributions/Donations- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-45200-36230Contributions/Donations- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41600-36230Contributions/Donations- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41300-36215Candidate Filing Fee- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41910-36240Developer Reimbursements- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41600-36240Developer Reimbursements- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41500-36245Conduit Debt Application Fee- - 500 (500) 0.00%
<br />101-41500-36246Conduit Debt Fees9,500 9,500 4,409 5,091 46.41%
<br />101-43100-36277Night Time Construction Waiver- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-43100-36270Miscellaneous Reimbursements550 550 39 511 7.09%
<br />101-41300-36270Miscellaneous Reimbursement1,000 1,000 2,234 (1,234) 223.40%
<br />101-41500-36270Miscellaneous Reimbursement3,000 3,000 - 3,000 0.00%
<br />101-41940-36270Miscellaneous Reimbursement- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-43100-36275Private Street Light Reimbursements- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-43100-36280Other Miscellaneous Revenue1,000 1,000 - 1,000 0.00%
<br />101-41500-36270Other Miscellaneous Revenue- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-41910-36280Other Miscellaneous Revenue- - - - 0.00%
<br />101-42100-36280Miscellaneous Reimbursement5,200 5,200 (1) 5,201 -0.02%
<br />101-42400-36280Fire Inspection Reimbursement- - - - 0.00%
<br />Total Miscellaneous88,850 88,850 26,177 62,673 29.46%
<br />Total Operating Revenues 4,204,8494,225,669 405,319 3,799,530 9.64%
<br />Other Financing Sources
<br />101-42100-39101Sales of General Fixed Assets- - 15,000 (15,000) 0.00%
<br />101-41600-39203Transfer -- - - 0.00%
<br />101-45200-39203Transfer -- - - 0.00%
<br />Total Other Financing Sources -- 15,000 (15,000) 0.00%
<br />Total General Fund Revenue$ 4,204,8494,225,669$ 420,319$ 3,784,530$ 10.00%
<br />