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Appendix A: Overview of Federal Requirements for using Safe Routes to School Funds <br /> Safe Routes to School funds are Federal Highway Administration Funds and must follow federal <br /> regulations to be spent legally. While the funding provides incredible opportunity, communities are <br /> advised that following federal regulations requires a significant time and resource commitment on the <br /> part of the applicant and/or sponsor. Communities are encouraged to consider the following prior to <br /> submitting an application: <br /> Do I have the necessary staff to administer the funding? <br /> Do I have the funding to front the projects cost until it is reimbursed? <br /> Do I have the funding to support costs that cannot be reimbursed? <br /> Do I have the resources to support the continuation of the project results, once reimbursed? <br /> This document provides a brief overview of the Federal Aid process to assist you in determining if Safe <br /> Routes funding is an appropriate resource for your project and assist in the development of your project <br /> timeline. Additionally, Mn/DOT will provide you comprehensive assistance if your project is selected for <br /> Safe Routes funding. <br /> Overview of Proiect Authorization Process <br /> Pre-Authorization Process <br /> 1. Complete Safe Routes to School application package and submit to Mn/DOT. <br /> 2. Project selected by Safe Routes to School Selection Committee. <br /> 3. Project added to State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). <br /> 4. Project added to Program and Project Management System (PPMS)and federal project number <br /> assigned. <br /> 5. Environmental Documentation research <br /> 6. Prepare Environmental Document. <br /> 7. Submit Environmental Document for approval to Mn/DOT. <br /> 8. Environmental Document approved by Mn/DOT. <br /> Post-Authorization, infrastructure Process <br /> 9. FHWA authorization to proceed with design <br /> 10. All NEPA requirements met <br /> 11. If necessary hire a consultant to assist in preparation of construction documents <br /> 12. Prepare construction documents <br /> 13. Agreement between Mn/DOT and Sponsor prepared. <br /> 14. Obtain necessary permits. <br /> 15. Submit construction documents to District State Aid Engineer(DSAE)for approval. <br /> 16. Plan approval by District State Aid Engineer(DSAE) and State Aid for Local Transportation <br /> (SALT). <br /> 17. Authorization by Federal Highway Administration to proceed with construction (FHWA). <br /> 18. Project let by competitive bid Delegated Contract Process (DCP) process. <br /> 19. Project work commences. <br /> 20. Project work completed. <br /> 21. Project bills submitted. <br /> 22. Project inspected and closed out. <br /> Post-Authorization, Non-infrastructure Process <br /> 9. Authorization by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). <br /> 10. Agreement between Mn/DOT and Sponsor prepared and executed. <br /> 11. Competitively hire any professional assistance to complete project. <br /> 12. Process depends on type of work to be done and amount of funds to be used. <br /> 13. Project work commences. <br /> Minnesota Safe Routes to School 18 <br /> 2008 Grant Application Instructions <br />