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City Council Minutes
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8/26/2014 3:55:06 PM
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8/26/2014 3:55:00 PM
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JUNE 30, 2014 9 <br /> Councilmember Holmes explained that she supported the map along with the proposed green <br /> space. <br /> Councilmember McClung asked if the park in the Hill neighborhood would be programmed. <br /> Mr. Dresdner clarified that this would be determined by the City Council. <br /> Councilmember Holden believed that this would be a lit ball field and noted that this site may be <br /> the last park developed. She indicated that all residents purchasing property around the park <br /> would be made aware of the future plans for the park. <br /> Mayor Grant commented that soccer, rugby and lacrosse were growing in popularity. He <br /> commented that this park would be designed to meet the needs of the community when the site <br /> was developed. He did not believe that the Council knew how the site would be programmed at <br /> this time. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated that he was ready to vote on the land use map. <br /> Councilmember Holden explained that after reviewing the April 21St minutes she recalled that <br /> the Council previously had 19 acres of park land. Since April, the amount of park land has been <br /> reduced by 50%. She did not believe that additional green space should be removed. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a <br /> motion to approve the Master Plan Land Use Map dated June 30,2014. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye: Holden, Holmes, Grant. Nay: McClung, Werner. <br /> The motion carried 3-2 (McClunE and Werner opposed). <br /> 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> A. Planning Case 14-014 Setback Variance— 1850 Venus Avenue <br /> City Planner Streff stated that at the May 27, 2014, City Council meeting, the applicants <br /> proposed to construct a twenty-four (24) foot by thirty-eight (38) foot attached garage on the east <br /> side of the single family dwelling. After reviewing their proposal following the meeting on May <br /> 27th, the applicants are now proposing a twenty-six (26) foot by thirty (30) foot garage addition to <br /> their home at 1850 Venus Avenue. The square footage of the structure has been reduced from 912 <br /> square feet to 780 square feet, which is a reduction of 132 square feet. As proposed, the new <br /> addition would now encroach eighteen (18) feet instead of the original thirty (30) feet into the <br /> forty(40) foot secondary front yard setback along the platted right-of-way for Rolling Hills Road. <br /> City Planner Streff indicated that the required forty (40) foot setback along Venus Avenue <br /> would be maintained along with the remaining rear and side yard setbacks. A variance to encroach <br /> eighteen (18) feet into the secondary front yard setback is being requested, which would leave a <br /> setback of twenty-two (22) feet from the east property line. The previous variance proposal would <br />
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