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PC Packets 2014
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – July 9, 2014 8 <br /> <br />6. The existing accessory structure does not encroach into the north or east property line <br />setbacks. <br />7. The proposed accessory structure encroaches twenty-seven (27) feet ten (10) inches into <br />the thirty (30) foot setback along the entire length of the structure, leaving a setback of <br />two (2) feet two (2) inches from the west property line. <br />8. The proposed accessory structure encroaches two (2) feet nine (9) inches into the (10) <br />foot setback, leaving a setback of seven (7) feet three (3) inches from the south property <br />line. This is an increase of one (1) foot further from the property line when compared to <br />the existing structure. <br />9. The proposed accessory structure will not increase the footprint and will remain twenty- <br />two (22) feet by twenty-two (22). <br />10. The proposed accessory structure would be rotated approximately fifteen (15) degrees to <br />align the garage with the western property line and the angle of the existing home. <br />11. The proposed accessory structure would change the direction of the roofline from an <br />east/west orientation to a north/south orientation with one (1) foot eaves on the <br />north/south facades and (1) foot six (6) inch eaves east/west facades in order to match the <br />existing home <br />12. The existing single family dwelling and attached garage meet all property line setbacks. <br />13. The proposed structure and landscaping coverages are within the zoning district <br />requirements. <br />14. The proposed accessory structure would not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height. <br />15. Detached accessory structures are permitted structures within the R-2 Zoning District. <br />16. All structures on the lot are outside of the 100-year flood plain, wetlands, and easements. <br /> <br />Variance Findings: <br />17. The proposal is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as the <br />Ordinance generally allows flexibility for unique parcels and situations when impacts to <br />surrounding properties are minimized. <br />18. The proposal is consistent with the Arden Hills Comprehensive Plan as it allows the <br />reasonable use of residential property. <br />19. Detached accessory structures are permitted and a reasonable use within the R-2 Single <br />Family Residential Zoning District. <br />20. The lot has rather unique characteristics as the property slopes towards Lake Johanna <br />approximately 18 (eighteen) feet from west to east leaving limited options for expansion <br />or movement of the accessory structure to an area that meets the setback regulations. <br />21. The proposed accessory structure would be visible from neighboring properties; however, <br />the proposed design and the use of quality materials for the detached structure that match <br />the single family dwelling should minimize the impacts on surrounding property owners. <br />22. The proposed accessory structure is unlikely to have negative impacts to the property or <br />to the neighborhood as a whole. <br />23. The proposed plans and requested variances for the accessory structure do not appear to <br />be based on economic considerations alone. <br /> <br />City Planner Streff stated that the property is unique when compared to many properties in <br />Arden Hills because of its topography. From Fairview Avenue to Lake Johanna Boulevard the <br />property slopes approximately 18 (eighteen) feet from west to east. Because of the lot’s <br />topography and configuration of structures on the lot, options for expansion or the movement of <br />the accessory structure to an area that meets the setback regulations is very limited. The proposed
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