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1. Barbara J. Lipman et al., Paycheck to Paycheck: Working Families and the Cost of <br />Housing in America (Washington, D.C.: Center for Housing Policy/National <br />Housing Conference, 2001). <br />2. Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, The State of the <br />Nation’s Housing: 2002 (Cambridge: Joint Center for Housing Studies of <br />Harvard University, 2002). <br />3. Income groups are according to U.S. Census Bureau definitions. <br />4. Alastair Smith, Mixed-Income Housing Developments: Promise and Reality. <br />(Cambridge: Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard <br />University/Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, 2002). <br />5. Jo Allen Gause et al., Great Planned Communities (Washington, D.C.: ULI–the <br />Urban Land Institute, 2002). <br />6. “Mixing Housing Types in TNDS,” New Urban News,May/June 2000, p.10. <br />7. Community Partners, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Sweet <br />Auburn Case Study at <br />sweet_auburn. html. <br />8. Paul C. Brophy and Rhonda N. Smith, “Mixed-Income Housing: Factors <br />for Success,” Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research (3) 2, <br />1997, p. 27. <br />9. Diane Suchman, Mixed-Income Housing,ULI Research Working Paper <br />Series #643, 1995, p. 3. <br />10. William P. Macht, “Mountain Urbanism: Resort Neighborhood <br />Creates Affordability Without Income Limits,” Urban Land, <br />November/December 2001. <br />11. Belle Creek, Commerce City, Colorado: ULI Development Case Study C032016. <br />12. Association of Bay Area Governments, Theory in Action: S.M.A.R.T. Growth <br />Case Studies in the San Francisco Bay Area and Around the Nation, 2001, <br /> <br />13. Massachusetts Housing Partnership, <br />14. Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association, Massachusetts and Chapter 40B, <br />February 2001, <br />15. David Rusk, “Inclusionary Zoning: Living—And Learning—Together; <br />Appendix B.” Remarks to Florida Housing Coalition, October 23,2001; <br /> <br />16. Ibid. <br />17. Karen Destorel Brown, Expanding Affordable Housing Through Inclusionary <br />Zoning: Lessons From the Washington Metropolitan Area (Washington, D.C.: <br />The Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, <br />2001), p. 2. <br />18. Kim Ilana Marschner, Building Workforce Housing: Meeting San Francisco’s <br />Housing Challenge (San Francisco: San Francisco Chamber of <br />Commerce, 2003). <br />19. ULI–Urban Land Institute, Engaging the Private Sector in HOPE VI <br />(Washington, D.C.: ULI–the Urban Land Institute, 2002). <br />20. Deborah L. Myerson, “The Income Mix.” Urban Land,May 2002. <br />21. Patrick O’Toole, “The Public Land Connection,” Professional Builder, <br />August 2000. <br />22. Roger Galatas (president and CEO, Roger Galatas Interests, LLC), personal <br />communication; March 2003. <br />23. Affordable Housing Design Advisor, <br />24. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development/Congress for the <br />New Urbanism, Principles for Inner City Neighborhood Design: HOPE VI and the <br />New Urbanism (San Francisco: Author, 2000). p. 34. <br />25. ULI–Urban Land Institute, Engaging the Private Sector in HOPE VI. <br />26. Nava Adé, Santa Fe, New Mexico: ULI Development Case Study #C032014. <br />27. Lipman et al., Paycheck to Paycheck. <br />28. Colorado Sprawl Action Center, <br />EStapleton.html. <br />29. Richard M. Haughey, ULI Land Use Policy Forum Report: Challenges to <br />Developing Workforce Housing (Washington, D.C.: ULI–the Urban Land <br />Institute, 2002). <br />30. Joseph E. Corcoran, “Making Mixed-Income Housing Work,” Multifamily <br />Trends,Summer 2002. <br />31. For a more comprehensive discussion of federal, state, and local programs <br />to support the production of affordable and mixed-income housing, see <br />National Association of Home Builders–Economics, Mortgage Finance, and <br />Housing Policy Division, Producing Affordable Housing: Partnerships for Profit <br />(Washington, D.C.: Home Builder Press, 1999); or the Policy Link Equitable <br />Development Tool Kit, <br />32. Michael Bodaken and Anne Heitlinger, “Providing Affordable Housing.” <br />Planning Commissioners Journal, No. 45, Winter 2002, p. 2. <br />33.Edmonton Housing Trust Fund, <br />34.Jamie Ross and Mark Hendrickson, “2001 Housing Legislative Wrap Up,” <br />Housing News Network: The Journal of the Florida Housing Coalition, Inc., <br />Summer 2001. <br />35. Brophy and Smith, “Mixed-Income Housing: Factors for Success,” p. 24. <br />36. Multnomah County Library, <br />37. Shiels Obletz Johnsen, <br />38. Paul Cummings and John Landis, Relationships between Affordable Housing <br />Developments and Neighboring Property Values (Berkeley: University of <br />California Institute of Urban & Regional Development, 1993). <br />39. Maxfield Research, Inc., A Study of the Relationship Between Affordable Family <br />Rental Housing and Home Values in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis: Family <br />Housing Fund, 2000). <br />40.Joyce Siegel, The House Next Door (Baltimore: Innovative Housing Institute, <br />1998). <br />41.Edward Goetz et al., There Goes the Neighborhood?(Minneapolis: Center for <br />Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota, 1996). <br />42. Richard K. Green, Stephen Malpezzi, and Kiat-Ying Seah, Low-Income Housing <br />Tax Credits: Housing Development and Property Values (Madison: Center for <br />Urban Land Economics Research, University of Wisconsin, 2002), p. 4. <br />43. National Association of Home Builders, Market Outlook: Confronting the Myths <br />about Apartments with Facts (Washington D.C.: NAHB, November 2001), p. 4. <br />44. Affordable Housing Design Advisor, available at <br />gallery/reservoir.html. <br />45. Maxfield Research, A Study of the Relationship Between Affordable Family Rental <br />Housing and Home Values in the Twin Cities [Summary of Findings].Prepared <br />for the Family Housing Fund (Minneapolis: Maxfield Research, 2000). <br />46. Planning and Conservation League/PCL Foundation, Why Should <br />Environmentalists Support Quality Affordable Housing?, 2000, <br /> <br />23 <br />Notes