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ORDINANCE NO. 2014-004 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br /> <br /> <br />6. The property located at 3255 Lexington Avenue North, which is currently zoned R-1 <br />(Single Family Residential District) and is generally located south of Ingerson Road, east of <br />Fernwood Street, west of Lexington Avenue North, and north of Edgewater Avenue and is <br />described by the following legal description: <br /> <br />That part of Government Lot Six (6), Section Thirty-Four (34), Township Thirty (30), <br />Range Twenty-three (23), described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of <br />said Government Lot Six (6), thence North 329.41 feet along the East line of said <br />Government Lot Six (6); thence West 655.31 feet to a point 329.51 feet North of the <br />South line of said Government Lot Six (6); thence East 655 feet to place of <br />commencement, containing five (5) acres, more or less, subject to highway easement <br />over East 33 feet, and subject to sewer easements of record. <br /> <br />7. The property located at 4317 Colleen Court, which is currently zoned R-1 (Single Family <br />Residential District) and is generally located south of Arden Vista Court, east of Colleen <br />Court, west of Hamline Avenue, and north of Colleen Avenue and is described by the <br />following legal description: <br /> <br />Park, McClung Fourth Addition <br /> <br />8. The property located at 3700 New Brighton Road, which is currently zoned R-2 (Single & <br />Two Family Residential District) and is generally located south of Brighton Way South, east <br />of New Brighton Road, west of Chatham Avenue, and north of the Soo Line Railroad and is <br />described by the following legal description: <br /> <br />All that part of the South ½ of the East ½ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 28, Town 30 <br />North, Range 23 West lying Northerly of the Northerly right-of-way line of the <br />Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway, except that part described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the West line of the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section <br />28, Town 30 North, Range 23 West said point being 300 feet Northerly (Measured at <br />right angles) of the centerline of and being the Northerly right -of-way line of the <br />Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway; thence North along said W est line a <br />distance of 363 feet; thence East at right angles a distance of160 feet; thence South at <br />right angles a distance of 334.07 feet to the Northerly right-of-way line of said Railway; <br />thence Southwesterly along the Northerly right-of-way line of said Railway to point of <br />beginning; subject to New Brighton Road. <br /> <br />9. The property located at 1900 Lake Lane, which is currently zoned R-2 (Single & Two <br />Family Residential District) and is generally located south of Noble Road, east of New <br />Brighton Road, west of Lake Johanna Boulevard, and north of Stowe Avenue and is <br />described by the following legal description: <br /> <br />Auditor’s Subdivision No. 80: Subject to Easement, the East 106 feet of the West 427- <br />75/100 feet measured from the West line of Government Lot 3 of the South 114 feet of <br />Lot 6 with easement and except the west 321-75/100 feet measured from the west line of <br />Government Lot 3, the north 74-2/10 feet of part of Lot 6 west of a line run south at right <br />angles from a point 1090 feet west from the westerly line of Lake Johanna Boulevard and <br />on the north line of said Lot 6. <br /> <br />