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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – AUGUST 25, 2014 7 <br /> <br />City Administrator Klaers explained that in preparation for adoption of the preliminary tax levy <br />at the last meeting in September, the staff memo in the agenda packet addresses the following <br />information: residential property values, discussion on preliminary levy, salary assumptions being <br />used to prepare the preliminary budget, a discussion on EDA funding, and structural changes the <br />Council made last year. <br /> <br />City Administrator Klaers stated that according to information provided by Ramsey County in <br />May of this year, the median home value in Arden Hills will increase from $264,700 for 2014 <br />taxes, to $295,100 for 2015 taxes which is an 11.5% increase in value compared to the county <br />average increase of 9.4%. <br /> <br />In order to evaluate the tax impact to the residential property owner, two things need to be taken <br />into account: the decrease in fiscal disparities (decrease of 2.4%) and the change in the taxable <br />value (increase of 6.4% after exclusions). <br /> <br />A table illustrating the impact to the residential property owner due to the decrease in fiscal <br />disparity dollars and changes in the assessed market value was included in the agenda packet. <br />Assuming no City levy change, the home owner that has a median valued home (value going from <br />$264,700 to $295,100) will see their City taxes going up by $46.33 or 6.6%. <br /> <br />City Administrator Klaers reported that the City’s share of Fiscal Disparities has decreased, and <br />the City’s Tax Capacity has increased, which results in a 5.8% decrease in the tax rate. <br /> <br />City Administrator Klaers indicated that the City’s entire tax levy goes for General Fund <br />expenditures. For the City of Arden Hills, the property tax levy accounts for approximately 79% <br />of the General Fund revenues. Staff reviewed the City’s property tax levies history. <br /> <br />City Administrator Klaers stated that the 2015 preliminary budget is currently being prepared <br />assuming a 2% wage adjustment for non-union staff and a 1.5% wage adjustment for union staff. <br />In surveying surrounding communities, most have included a 1.5% - 3.0% COLA increase in their <br />preliminary estimates. This assumption has a total effect on the General Fund of $21,167. <br /> <br />City Administrator Klaers commented that Public Safety costs are set to increase by 6.54% for <br />Fire and 4.5% for the Sheriff’s contract. This alone would amount to a $77,002 increase in the <br />budget or a levy increase of 2.4%. In 2014 the City Council made a structural change to put Park <br />and Street maintenance items in the General Fund operating budget for those departments and <br />discontinue the transfer of $200,000 from the General fund to the PIR. Capital Funds were <br />discussed at the June meeting during the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) review. <br /> <br />Director of Finance and Administrative Services Iverson stated the City has had previous <br />discussion about the EDA Fund. Staff recommends that a funding source be found for this fund in <br />the future as the current funding source from the TIF District and the conduit debt fees will not be <br />ongoing. Staff recommends that the Council consider recommending that the EDA establish a <br />levy to fund this activity. This would be shown on the property tax statements as a special taxing <br />district; however a preliminary levy would have to be certified by September 15, 2014, to the <br />County as it is a special taxing district. Staff has prepared a number of tax levy scenarios for <br />discussion in evaluating setting a levy. She reviewed these scenarios in detail with the Council.
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