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11/12/2014 11:51:25 AM
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11/12/2014 11:51:19 AM
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 9 <br /> Staff reported that the Planning Commission reviewed Planning Case 14-025 and unanimously <br /> recommends approval (6-0) of the site plan review for the property located at 3657 Snelling <br /> Avenue North, based on the findings of fact and the submitted plans as presented in the <br /> September 29, 2014, Report to the City Council, as amended by the following eight (8) <br /> conditions: <br /> 1. That the project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted as amended by <br /> the conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by the <br /> City Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission and City <br /> Council. <br /> 2. That the proposed accessory structure shall be permitted to be located in the front yard <br /> (between the dwelling and the street) at a distance of fifty-eight (58) feet from the front <br /> property line. <br /> 3. That the proposed accessory structure shall not exceed a footprint of 720 square feet. <br /> 4. That the exterior fagade and roofing materials of the proposed detached accessory garage <br /> shall match or be compatible in appearance and material used with the principal structure. <br /> 5. That the proposed driveway/parking area shall be improved with a hard surface. No <br /> additional driveway/parking areas shall be constructed with gravel, "class 5" or other <br /> similar materials. <br /> 6. That no living quarters shall be constructed within the proposed accessory structure. <br /> 7. That the structure shall conform to all other regulations in the City Code. That a building <br /> permit for the construction of the new accessory structure and a zoning permit for the <br /> construction of the driveway shall be required. <br /> 8. That the applicant shall obtain a Grading and Erosion Control Permit from the City before <br /> the building permit is issued. <br /> Councilmember McClung requested further information on the caliper inches of trees that would <br /> be lost if the accessory structure were built at the proposed location. <br /> City Planner Streff commented that the proposed location would require three trees to be <br /> removed which total 26.7 caliper inches of trees. He stated that the previously proposed location <br /> would require 113 caliper inches of trees to be removed. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned how far the garage would be from the home at the proposed <br /> location. <br /> City Planner Streff deferred this question to the applicant. <br /> Eric Hanson, 3657 Snelling Avenue, estimated that the garage would be 120 feet or 40 yards <br /> from the home. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked what concerns the applicant had with condition #5 as <br /> recommended by staff. <br /> Mr. Hanson believed that the driveway would be more harmonious if the hard surface materials <br /> were integrated, rather than three different types of materials. He proposed completing the entire <br /> driveway surface with dark gray trap rock stone. <br />
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