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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – October 8, 2014 6 <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler explained that in November 2010, the City Council approved a <br />Master and Final PUD for the redevelopment of the Johanna Shores care facility at 3200 Lake <br />Johanna Boulevard in Planning Case 10-012. This case also included the approval of a <br />Preliminary and Final Plat and the rezoning of the property from R-2 to R-4 to bring the mix of <br />residential uses on the property into compliance with the Zoning Code. The redevelopment <br />project was divided into Phase I and Phase II, and also included certain utility improvements and <br />the demolition of two existing buildings on the site. The existing McKnight Care Center has <br />remained in its current location and will not be altered as part of the redevelopment. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler reported that Phase I of the project has largely been completed. This <br />phase entailed the demolition of the existing Lakeview Building and the construction of a new <br />building in its place. The new primary facility contains 162 units. The units are comprised of 72 <br />assisted living units, 36 memory care units, and 54 independent senior apartments. At the time <br />the Master PUD was approved, there were discussions about including four hospice units in the <br />new Lakeview Building. However, this program was not implemented and the four units were, <br />therefore, never constructed. Certain utility improvements on the site, including the <br />reconstruction of an existing sanitary sewer line along the easterly frontage of Lake Johanna, <br />were also required to be completed as part of Phase I. All of these improvements have been <br />completed within the schedule outlined. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler stated that the second phase of the approved Master PUD includes <br />the construction of two brownstone-style apartment buildings that would house a total of 36 <br />independent senior apartments. These buildings were to be built on the site of the existing Sutton <br />Place apartments. Presbyterian Homes has since demolished the Sutton Place apartment building <br />in preparation for undertaking Phase II of the project. Construction on the brownstone apartments <br />is expected to commence in the spring of 2015 and be completed before December 31, 2016. In <br />conjunction with Phase II of the Master PUD, the applicant will also be undertaking road <br />improvements along County Road D adjacent to their property as outlined in the Contract for <br />Private Development between the City and Presbyterian Homes. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler indicated that the proposed PUD Amendment includes four separate <br />components: <br /> <br />• Amend the configuration of the Brownstone Buildings to be completed in Phase II. <br />• Revise the Construction Schedule outlined in the PUD Development Agreement to reflect <br />the delay in the expected start date on the Brownstone Buildings. <br />• Reallocate the four hospice units that were to be constructed in the Lakeview Building to <br />the Brownstone Buildings as independent senior units increasing the number of units in <br />the Brownstone Buildings from 36 to 40. <br />• Amend the conditions in the PUD Agreement to allow for the removal of the required <br />speed bumps on the County Road D driveway if the traffic study to be completed one year <br />following the completion of the redevelopment project supports such removal. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler commented that the layout for Phase II was altered due to challenges <br />presented by the elevation change between the Brownstone Buildings and the primary facility. As <br />originally proposed, the Phase II buildings would have been situated closer to the intersection of <br />County Road D and Lake Johanna Boulevard with a large area of open space and steeper grades <br />between them and the main building. Given the senior population that will be residing in the
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