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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – October 8, 2014 7 <br /> <br />buildings, the only way to mitigate this challenge would have been through constructing long and <br />inefficient switchbacks. By reorienting the Brownstone Buildings closer to the Lakeview <br />Building and constructing into the side of the sloping terrain, Presbyterian Homes will be able to <br />provide entries to the buildings that are at grade and significantly closer to the main building and <br />trail system. An additional benefit of this design change is that the buildings will be connected <br />with a link at the garage and ground level that will better tie the buildings together visually. <br />Along with the reconfiguration of the Brownstone Buildings, the site plan shows that the open <br />space area and location of walkways in-between the buildings will be redesigned. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler stated that the second component of the amendment is to revise the <br />construction schedule outlined in the PUD Development Agreement. Under the current <br />construction schedule, Presbyterian Homes was required to begin site work for the first <br />Brownstone Building in September 2013 and begin construction of the second Brownstone <br />Building in March of 2014. Additionally, all final landscaping and hardscaping improvements for <br />the property were to be completed by the spring of 2015. While Sutton Place has been <br />demolished and the area stabilized, for efficiency reasons Presbyterian Homes does not expect to <br />start on the construction of the Brownstone Buildings until 2015. Therefore, they are requesting <br />that the construction schedule be amended to reflect the revised anticipated schedule. <br />Presbyterian Homes would be required to obtain a Grading and Erosion Control Permit and <br />commence preliminary site work for the Brownstone Buildings by December 31, 2014, and to <br />begin construction on the buildings by June 30, 2015. All final landscaping and hardscaping <br />improvements would need to be completed by December 31, 2016. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler explained that Presbyterian Homes is requesting that the four <br />hospice units approved under the Master PUD for the Lakeview Building be reallocated to <br />Brownstone Buildings as independent senior apartments. If approved, the number of units in the <br />buildings would increase from 36 to 40. As discussed previously, the hospice units were <br />approved for the Lakeview Building but were not constructed because a hospice program was not <br />implemented by the organization. The space in the Lakeview Building where the hospice units <br />were to be constructed is now being used as additional storage space for the facility and will not <br />be used for residential purposes. This request would not increase the total of 410 dwelling units <br />approved in the original Master PUD and the approved net density of 18.2 units per acre would <br />remain unchanged. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler indicated that the final component of the PUD Amendment request <br />is a revision to the conditions in the PUD Development Agreement regarding traffic calming. <br />Presbyterian Homes is now in the process of installing three speed bumps on the County Road D <br />driveway between the parking lot of the primary building and where the Brownstone <br />underground parking will be located, as required by the PUD Development Agreement. The <br />purpose of these speed bumps was to deter residents from using the County Road D access <br />driveway and to limit the amount of traffic that would cut through Wheeler Avenue in Roseville. <br />Presbyterian Homes has noted that the heavy use of the County Road D access has not <br />materialized and that the City of Roseville has taken the additional step of temporarily closing off <br />access to Wheeler Avenue from County Road D. The request is to amend the PUD Development <br />Agreement to state that if upon the completion of the required Wheeler Avenue and County Road <br />D Traffic Study one year after the full redevelopment of the site it is determined that the three <br />speed bumps are not necessary for traffic calming purposes that Presbyterian Homes be permitted <br />to remove them.
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