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Ryan B. Streff January 16, 2015 <br />City of Arden Hills Page 15 <br />• To account for general background growth in the area, an annual growth rate of one-half <br />percent was applied to the existing peak hour traffic volumes to develop year 2017 (i.e. one <br />year after construction) background traffic forecasts. <br />• The proposed development is expected to generate approximately 131 a.m. peak hour, <br />102 midday peak hour, 117 p.m. peak hour, and 1,157 daily trips. <br />• Results of the year 2017 intersection capacity analysis indicate that all study intersections and <br />proposed access locations are expected to operate at an acceptable overall LOS D or better <br />during the a.m., midday, and p.m. peak hours. Although, it should be noted that the <br />Red Fox Road/Lexington Avenue intersection is approaching capacity under p.m. peak hour <br />conditions. As previously noted, the existing queuing issues at the Red Fox Road/ <br />Lexington Avenue intersection are expected to continue under year 2017 p.m. peak hour <br />conditions. In general, the existing queues identified are expected to increase by approximately <br />two to five vehicles, depending on the movement. Therefore, the potential improvements <br />along Lexington Avenue being considered as well as the eastbound right-turn lane at the <br />Red Fox Road/Lexington Avenue intersection should be incorporated at some point in the <br />next three to four years, if not earlier. <br />• A qualitative assessment of impacts related to the potential elimination of the North Access <br />was completed. It was determined that the North Access is not needed to provide acceptable <br />operations. The East/West Access locations have sufficient capacity to accommodate all site <br />generated trips and are expected to operate well in their current configuration. <br />• A review of the proposed site plan was completed to identify any issues and recommend <br />potential improvements with regard to site access, parking lot configuration, and circulation. <br />Key recommendations include the following: <br />o Truck parking should be reviewed to ensure that parked trucks will not impact circulation <br />by blocking internal roadways/parking lot aisles. <br />o The West Access along Red Fox Road should be designated (i.e. signed) specifically as a <br />truck access to limit conflicts between trucks and passenger vehicles. <br />o Given the relatively low anticipated truck volumes, potential internal conflicts between <br />trucks and passenger vehicles would be minimal and this is not considered a significant <br />issue. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />H:\Projects\8722\TS\Report\8722_RedFoxBusinessCenterTrafficStudy_150116.docx