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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL – FEBRUARY 23, 2015 11 <br /> <br />evaluate items such as grading, landscaping requirements, and parking lot setbacks in detail. <br />Boston Scientific expects to apply for a Site Plan Review in Fall 2015 or Spring 2016 to complete <br />the necessary site modifications to demarcate the properties. <br /> <br />City Planner Streff noted that the Campus Master Plan also indicates a future second access <br />drive for Lot 1 on Hamline Avenue, just north of the existing entrance to this site. The new access <br />is not being evaluated as part of this proposal. Boston Scientific has included this access drive as a <br />possible option for a future property owner or tenant on the site depending on their needs. <br />Construction of this access would require a Site Plan Review as well as approval through the <br />Ramsey County Public Works Department. Ramsey County has reviewed the Campus Master <br />Plan. <br /> <br />City Planner Streff indicated that the development plans for the Boston Scientific Campus would <br />be phased over the next 20 years. The construction of new buildings and parking ramps will be <br />coordinated with the future growth of Boston Scientific Corporation. As is the case with the <br />existing PUD, new building construction or site modifications identified on the approved Campus <br />Master Plan will require the submittal of a Site Plan Review for City Council approval prior to <br />construction. Proposed construction or site modifications not conforming to the approved Campus <br />Master Plan would require an amendment to the PUD. This requirement would apply to both Lot <br />1 and Lot 2. <br /> <br />City Planner Streff discussed the Plan Review, and offered the following Findings of Fact for <br />consideration: <br /> <br />1. The applicant has requested approval of a Preliminary and Final Plat and an amendment to <br />the PUD for the property at 4100 Hamline Avenue North. <br />2. The subdivision would create two new parcels (Lot 1 and Lot 2) within the existing <br />Boston Scientific Campus plat. <br />3. The proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Subdivision Ordinance in Chapter 11 <br />of the Arden Hills City Code. <br />4. A Master PUD was approved for 4100 Hamline Avenue North in Planning Case #02-025. <br />5. The applicant has requested an amendment to the PUD to reflect the change in the <br />property boundaries, to update the Campus Master Plan, and to create a separate PUD for <br />the proposed Lot 1. <br />6. The PUD process allows for flexibility within the City’s regulations through a negotiated <br />process with a property owner. <br />7. Lot 1 and Lot 2 are located in the I-1 Limited Industrial Zoning District. <br />8. The proposed uses on Lot 1 and Lot 2 are permitted uses in the I-1 District. <br />9. The revisions to the Campus Master Plan are in substantial conformance with the original <br />PUD approval granted by the City in Planning Case #02-025. <br />10. The PUD amendment is in substantial conformance with the requirements of the City’s <br />Zoning Code. <br />11. Where the plan is not in conformance with the City’s Zoning Code, flexibility has been <br />requested by the applicant and/or conditions have been placed on the approval that would <br />mitigate the nonconformity. <br />12. The PUD amendment would grant flexibility for Lot 1 in terms of building height, front <br />yard setback, and the number of principal buildings allowed on a lot.