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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL – FEBRUARY 23, 2015 16 <br /> <br />4. The proposed Lot 4 is not in conformance with the Subdivision Ordinance in Chapter 11 <br />of the Arden Hills City Code because it is an interior parcel with no frontage on a publicly <br />dedicated street. <br />5. The proposed Lot 4 is entitled to access and parking under an existing Reciprocal <br />Easement Agreement (Doc. No. 2156888) that has been recorded against the property with <br />Ramsey County. <br />6. The applicant has requested for flexibility through the PUD Amendment process for the <br />proposed nonconforming Lot 4. <br /> <br />PUD Amendment Findings <br />7. The applicant is requesting approval of an amendment to the Master PUD for Arden Plaza <br />property. <br />8. The original Master PUD for the development was approved in Planning Case #09-011. A <br />subsequent PUD Amendment was approved in Planning Case #11-016. <br />9. The PUD Amendment is being requested in order to accommodate the proposed <br />subdivision, to include an expanded outdoor seasonal sales area on the site, to increase the <br />size of Building #4 to be constructed in Phase III, and to allow for minor modifications to <br />the existing parking lot. <br />10. The PUD process allows for flexibility within the City’s regulations through a negotiated <br />process with a developer. <br />11. The Arden Plaza development is located in the B-2 General Business District. <br />12. The City has adopted the Guiding Plan for the B-2 District that outlines future <br />development principals for the area. <br />13. The City has adopted Design Standards for the B-2 District within the Zoning Code. <br />14. The Master PUD Amendment is in substantial conformance with the requirements of the <br />City’s Zoning Code. <br />15. The Master PUD Amendment is in substantial conformance with the Guiding Plan for the <br />B-2 District. <br />16. The Master PUD Amendment is in substantial conformance with the City’s <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />17. The submitted Site Plan for the Frattallone’s Hardware outdoor seasonal sales area is in <br />conformance with the B-2 District Design Standards. <br />18. Where the plan is not in conformance with the City’s Zoning Code, such as for outdoor <br />storage and displays, flexibility has been requested by the applicant and/or conditions have <br />been placed on an approval that would mitigate the nonconformity. <br />19. The application is not anticipated to create a negative impact on the immediate area or the <br />community as a whole. <br /> <br />CUP Amendment Findings <br />20. The City approved a Conditional Use Permit in Planning Case 97-009 for a 3,500 square <br />foot outdoor garden sales area on the Arden Plaza site. <br />21. The proposed Frattallone’s Hardware outdoor sales area would measure 150 feet by 56 <br />feet, or a total area of 8,400 square feet. <br />22. Section 1345.03 of the Zoning Code states that any enlargement or intensification of a <br />conditional use not specifically permitted by the permit shall require an amended permit <br />and all procedures shall apply as if a new permit were being requested.