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Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />wastewater annual charges or can be invested into the City’s sanitary sewer system towards the <br />elimination of I/I. If the City elects to invest in its sanitary sewer system to eliminate I/I and “pay <br />off” the surcharge, it has four years to do so. A summary of the three surcharges the City has <br />been assessed is as follows: <br /> <br />Date Meter Shed Overage Surcharge <br />June 21, 2013 051 0.38 mgd $154,660* <br />June 19, 2014 051 0.46 mgd $190,900 <br />June 19, 2014 054 0.28 mgd $116,200 <br /> $461,760 <br />*$67,508.02 has been completed with 2013 sewer lining project. <br /> <br />2015 is the second of the four years needed to “pay off” the 2013 surcharge, and it is the first <br />year for both of the 2014 surcharges. All of the proposed improvements in the 2015 project are in <br />meter shed 051 so they would go towards the 2013 surcharge first and the 2014 meter shed 051 <br />surcharge second. It is important to note that only a portion of the cost (approximately 50%) of <br />sewer lining goes towards reduction of surcharges. <br /> <br />The City did apply for the latest round of MCES grants for I/I reduction. This is the third time <br />this program has been offered through funding from the Legislature. The program has been <br />changed this year. In the past two programs, cities were awarded a maximum grant. If too little <br />city-funded work was completed to use all of the allotted funding, the unused funds were <br />forfeited. This year, each applicant was awarded a minimum amount and any leftover funding <br />will be distributed at the end of the program based on the amount of work each city has <br />completed. Arden Hills’ initial award is $37,295.31. <br /> <br />The 2015 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) contains an item for I/I reduction in the amount <br />of $400,000 (a copy of the CIP detail sheet is attached). When the CIP amount and the MCES <br />grant are added together, the total bid is approximately $60,000 over the budgeted amount. Staff <br />would recommend still awarding the entire contract (base bid plus all alternates) for a couple of <br />reasons. First, with the surcharge amounts due over the next several years, a significant <br />investment in the sanitary sewer system will need to be made beyond the 2015 project. Next, the <br />bids received were very competitive; there is the potential for increase grant monies at the end of <br />the program by doing more work; and finally, by doing more work up front in meter shed 051, it <br />reduces the likelihood of overages in the future which would lead to more surcharges. <br /> <br />Attached is Resolution 2015-026 Awarding the Contract (base bid plus all alternates) to Hydro- <br />Klean LLC of Des Moines Iowa. Staff would recommend adoption of Resolution 2015-026. <br /> <br />Attachments <br /> <br /> Attachment A: Project Exhibit <br /> Attachment B: Bid Tabulation <br /> Attachment C: Bid Results <br /> Attachment D: CIP Detail Sheet <br /> Attachment E: Resolution 2015-026 <br />