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Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />and added a third high-deductible that complies with the new Health Care Act just to be <br />safe (this is a very high deductible and the Co-op allowed members to add this for <br />compliance purposes). Over the past few years, the City has equally shared rate increases <br />with the employees. Staff would recommend continuing to use this formula. (The City’s <br />cost per employee per month has only increased by $22 over the last seven years since we <br />started the High Deductible plans with HSAs. We have also gotten back over $40,000 in <br />dividends in four of the last five years from the Co-op). The current City contribution <br />towards health and dental is $699.61 per month, with a cap of $2,000 per year for those <br />choosing single coverage being placed into the HSA accounts from the City contribution <br />(this cap was instituted for the 2015 year). <br /> Update the five year CIP. Staff is in the process of updating the current plan to discuss <br />with the City Council at the June work session. Does the City Council have any direction <br />they would like to provide staff with in regard to the CIP? <br /> An area of need is with Transfers of the General Fund monies (tax revenue) to the PIR <br />Fund for Street PMP projects and for park improvements. Currently no transfers to the <br />PIR Fund are taking place, the City needs to establish a funding source for its share of the <br />street projects and for park improvements. <br /> The EDA Budget is another area where staff sees a need. This topic is being discussed at <br />the EDA meetings. <br /> As a step in creating a quality budget document, performance measures/service indicators <br />should be established for each department. Some of these may come about as a result of <br />areas that the Council would like to improve. Goals and objectives should also be <br />established for each department. These would need to be established in 2016, then in <br />subsequent years actual performance can be tracked to show progress against these goals. <br />This would provide Council and the public another tool to evaluate city services. Staff <br />would appreciate input from the Council on this matter. <br /> A proposed budget calendar is attached. <br /> <br />Recommended Action: <br /> <br />Staff is seeking direction from the Council as it continues with the 2016 Budgeting process. <br /> <br /> <br />Attachment <br /> <br />Attachment A: Proposed Budget Calendar