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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – February 4, 2015 8 <br /> <br />would be reduced as a result of the elimination of Buildings H and G. No additional buildings are <br />proposed at this time on Lot 1. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler noted that the Campus Master Plan also shows modifications to the <br />existing surface parking lot located between Buildings A, B, and C and Buildings E and D to <br />create a clearly defined border along the property line between Lot 1 and Lot 2. This would be <br />accomplished by removing existing bituminous surfaces and installing landscaping. A Site Plan <br />Review would be required to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and City <br />Council before this work is undertaken. At that time, the City would evaluate items such as <br />grading, landscaping requirements, and parking lot setbacks in detail. Boston Scientific expects <br />to apply for a Site Plan Review in Fall 2015 or Spring 2016 to complete the necessary site <br />modifications to demarcate the properties. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler commented that the Campus Master Plan indicates a future second <br />access drive for Lot 1 on Hamline Avenue, just north of the existing entrance to this site. The <br />new access is not being evaluated as part of this proposal. Boston Scientific has included this <br />access drive as a possible option for a future property owner or tenant on the site depending on <br />their needs. Construction of this access would require a Site Plan Review as well as approval <br />through the Ramsey County Public Works Department. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler stated that the future development plan for the Boston Scientific <br />Campus would be phased over the next 20 years. The construction of new buildings and parking <br />ramps will be coordinated with the future growth of Boston Scientific Corporation. As is the case <br />with the existing PUD, any new building construction or site modifications identified on the <br />approved Campus Master Plan will require the submittal of a Site Plan Review for City Council <br />approval prior to construction. Proposed construction or site modifications not conforming to the <br />approved Campus Master Plan would require an amendment to the PUD. This requirement <br />would apply to both Lot 1 and Lot 2. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler explained that the Planned Unit Development process is a tool that <br />provides additional flexibility for development that an underlying zoning district would not <br />otherwise allow. For example, a PUD may make exceptions to setbacks, lot coverage, parking <br />requirements, signage, building materials, or landscaping requirements. It is intended to <br />overcome the limitations of zoning regulations and improve the overall design of a project. <br />While the PUD process allows the City to negotiate certain aspects of the development, any <br />conditions imposed on the PUD must have a rational basis related to the expected impact of the <br />development. A PUD cannot be used to permit uses that would not otherwise be permitted in the <br />underlying zoning district. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler reported that in the original Master PUD approval, the City granted <br />the Guidant Corporation flexibility in terms of their front yard setback, building height, structure <br />coverage, and the number of principal buildings allowed on a single lot. The minimum front yard <br />setback for the I-1 District is 55 feet and in the approved PUD, a 50-foot setback was permitted <br />but was applied to the setbacks along all property lines, including rear and side lot lines. The <br />2002 Campus Master Plan included several proposed buildings with a height in excess of the 35- <br />foot height maximum with the tallest, Building K, proposed at 135 feet. The maximum structure <br />coverage allowed in the I-1 District is 30 percent and at full build out the Master Plan envisioned <br />32.7 percent structure coverage. Finally, the Zoning Code only permits one principal building per
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