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shows 3 shared driveway for 6 of the homes and 1 individual driveway for a total <br />of 4 proposed access points onto Country Road E2. We have sent this plan to Erin <br />Laberee, P.E. Ramsey County Department of Public Works and she has responded <br />in support of the 4 driveways to County Road E2 vs. the 7 individual driveways. <br /> <br /> <br />The Lots <br /> <br />The applicant is proposing lots to facilitate a development that proposes minimal <br />changes to the land and enhancing the quality of life for the residents by <br />maintaining and creating ecological functions and biodiversity. The applicant <br />proposes to meet the R-2 zoning, with a min. lot size of more than 11,000 square <br />feet (the minimum square foot requirement for the R-2), the average lot area is <br />29,670 sf, the smallest lot is 27,202 sf (lots 2-7), the largest lot is 44,483 (lot 1). A <br />front yard setback of 40’and rear yard setback of 30’ and a combined side yard <br />setback of (5’/15’). <br /> <br />Homes <br /> <br />The homes will fit and reinforce the neighborhood feeling. Each home will be <br />unique and sized to fit R-2 zoning standards. These will be highly detailed, crafted <br />homes consisting of two stories and sited individually to each lot. The exterior of <br />the homes will have a basis in historical architectural style and fine detailing but <br />respect and accommodate the needs of today’s families. The proposed homes <br />will begin at +/-$750k., and will provide a consistent feeling to the neighborhood <br />to the south of E2. <br /> <br />Stormwater Treatment <br /> <br />Overall hard cover on the site has been reduced by 0.71 acres. Stormwater <br />features are designed to meet Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) <br />requirements. The majority of Stormwater will be direct to filtration trenches in <br />the front and side yards. These 2’ wide x 1’ deep trenches will filter water <br />through a 4” sand layer to a 4” draintile with a 4” clean sand base below. These <br />trenches will direct stormwater to the larger infiltration trench that runs along the <br />rear of the yards. This trench will be 570’ long, 7’, and 3’ deep. This trench shall <br />be filled with clean filter sand. Rear yard water will run over at least 75’ of