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07-09-14 PC Minutes
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Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2014
07-09-14 PC Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – July 9, 2014 10 <br /> <br />Chair Larson opened the floor to Commissioner comments. <br /> <br />Chair Larson reported that the planned garage was the same size as the existing garage. He <br />believed that the tabling of this request at the June Planning Commission meeting was <br />successful. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bartel agreed stating the new plan would greatly improve the site. He supported <br />the Planning Case but believed only one variance was being requested. He suggested the <br />language of the variance be reworded regarding the rotation of the structure. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bartel moved and Commissioner Zimmerman seconded a motion to <br />recommend approval of Planning Case 14-017 for a Variance at 3441 Lake Johanna <br />Boulevard based on the findings of fact and the submitted plans, as amended by the ten <br />(10) conditions in the July 9, 2014, report to the Planning Commission with rewording of <br />the variance. The motion carried unanimously 4-1 (Holewa opposed). <br /> <br />B. Planning Case 14-019; Zoning Code Amendment – Lighting Regulations – Not a <br />Public Hearing <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler stated that at the meeting on June 4, 2014, the Planning Commission <br />reviewed the City’s regulations on exterior lighting and discussed several areas where revisions <br />could be made. Specifically, the discussion focused on how best to address the higher levels of <br />luminosity associated with LED lights. Staff has since begun working on a draft of Ordinance <br />2014-006 that would update the exterior lighting requirements in Section 1325.05 of the Zoning <br />Code. Section 1320 also includes detailed requirements on exterior lighting for specific districts <br />within the City. With the proposed revisions to Section 1325.05, some of the district-specific <br />regulations will become duplicative. The final draft of Ordinance 2014-006 will include updates <br />to Section 1320 to ensure consistency on lighting standards throughout the Zoning Code. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler explained that the Commissioners were generally in agreement that <br />the regulations should be written to limit light trespass and establish prescriptive design <br />requirements to reduce light pollution. Additionally, it was recommended that a maximum lumen <br />level be set to limit the intensity of individual light fixtures. The Commissioners also discussed <br />having height limits for exterior lights, with more restrictive requirements for lights within a <br />certain distance of adjoining properties. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler reported that the applicability of the lighting regulations was <br />discussed as well. In order to evaluate compliance with many of the standards, a detailed lighting <br />plan would be required. The Planning Commission concluded that only commercial, industrial, <br />and multi-family properties should have to submit these plans. However, residential properties <br />would still be required to follow the established standards. Finally, staff was instructed to look <br />into whether certain types of lighting, such as holiday lights and illumination of flagpoles, should <br />be exempted from these regulations. <br /> <br />Lighting Plan <br />Associate Planner Bachler stated that the first section of Ordinance 2014-006 addresses in what <br />situations the City would require a lighting plan and the details that would need to be included in <br />these plans. Staff believes that an appropriate time to require a lighting plan would be when a
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