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10/05/00 16:06 013 <br /> f <br /> welfare,to ensure the structural integrity of the Right-of-Way,to protect the property and safety <br /> of other users of the Right-of-Way, to minimize the disruption and inconvenience to the tiaveling <br /> public,'and to otherwise efficiently manage use of the Right-of--Way. <br /> See. 1.12. Permit Fees <br /> Subd. 1. on Pest Fee, The Excavation Permit Fee shall be established by the <br /> City iii an amount sufficient to recover the following costs: <br /> (1) the City Cost; <br /> (2) the Degradation of the Right-of-Way that will result from the Excavation; <br /> (3) Restoration, if done or caused to be done by the City, <br /> -- -(,.�� <br /> �,simt;o„Permit -& The-Obstntction.permii Eee.shalLbe��tablished��the_. <br /> -------Subd:-Z.- <br /> City and shall be in an amount sufficient to recover the City Cost. <br /> Subd.3. DisruptionFees. The City may establish and impose a disruption fee for <br /> unreasonable delays in Excavations or Obstructions. <br /> Subd,q, Pavm!;M 9f Permit Fem No Excavation.Permit or Obstruction Permit shall be <br /> issued without payment of all fees required prior to the issuance of such a Permit unless the <br /> Applicant shall agree (in a manner and substance acceptable to the City)to pay such fees within <br /> thirty (30)days of billing therefor. All Permit fees shall be doubled during a probationary <br /> period, Permit fees that were paid for a Permit which was revoked for a breach are not <br /> refundable, Any refunded Permit Fees shall be less all City Cost up to and including the date of <br /> refund, <br /> Subd. S. Use of Permit Fees. All Obstruction and Excavation Permit Fees shall be used <br /> solely for City management, construction, maintenance said repair costs of the Right-of:-Way. <br /> See. 1.13. Right-of--Way Restoration. <br /> Subd-I. The work to be done under the Permit, and the Restoration of the Right-of-Way as <br /> required herein,must be completed within the dates specified in the Permit, increased by as <br /> many days as work could not be done because of circumstances constituting f a-ce majeure or <br /> when work was prohibited as unseasonal or unreasonable under Section 1.16, Subd, 2 all in the <br /> sole determination of the City. In addition to its own work, the Permittee must restore the <br /> general area of the work,and the surrounding areas, including the paving and its foundations, to <br /> the same condition that existed before the eommenceanent of the work and must inspect the area <br /> of the work and use reasonable care to maintain the same condition for thirty-six (36) months <br /> thereafter. <br /> 11 <br />