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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—JUNE 15, 2015 4 <br /> Mr. Roberts commented that each week the project was pushed back, it put him closer to winter. <br /> It was his hope that the City could provide him with direction to keep the project moving forward. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the blue panels were more expensive than the others. <br /> Mr. Roberts reported there was a slight upcharge for the blue panels. He requested that the <br /> Council approve of the sandblasted band around the back of the building. He believed that this <br /> would enhance the rear elevation of the building. <br /> Councilmember Holmes suggested that a second band be considered below the top band to add <br /> additional interest. <br /> Mr. Roberts stated that this could be done, but it would increase the expense of the building <br /> fayade. <br /> The Council discussed additional options for the building facade. <br /> Councilmember Woodburn supported the applicant's proposal to add the sandblasted banding. <br /> Councilmember Holmes agreed. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated that he could live with the sandblasting. He did not want to see <br /> the building delayed another year. <br /> Mayor Grant suggested that the ends of the building be slightly raised to enhance the <br /> architectural features on the building. <br /> Councilmember Holden disagreed with the applicant's proposal. <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher affirmed that a majority of the Council was in <br /> agreement that the sandblasted band met with the conditions of approval. <br /> C. TCAAP Comprehensive Plan Amendment <br /> City Planner Streff stated that at the June 8, 2015, work session, the Council began discussion <br /> on the TCAAP Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA). Redlined versions of each updated <br /> chapter were provided to the Council. Staff noted that the Council revisions were highlighted. He <br /> explained that Kimley-Horn representatives were in attendance to discuss the CPA in further <br /> detail. <br /> Michael Lamb, Kimley Horn, provided comment on the improvements planned for <br /> transportation, infrastructure and utilities. He discussed the CPA noting that it was focused on the <br /> overall system and system impacts. The population projections were also discussed and <br /> comparisons with Met Council numbers were provided. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested further information on the pinch point on the north-south trail <br /> shown on Attachment C. <br />