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Price 6516360871 0S/21/01 04: 19P P.003 <br /> Over the last twenty years, watercraft have become bigger, faster and more numerous. <br /> Congestion and unsafe operation are problems on many lakes. This is an opportunity for <br /> Arden Hills to be a leader and not <br /> o a follower. 1Vly suggestion is that you place a limited <br /> number of buoys and assess their impact. Right now we have no point of reference. <br /> Rather, we have emotional speculation. I challenge you to gather factual data. After you <br /> gather data, it is my recommendation you have a public hearing open to all residents of <br /> Arden Hills because this ordinance impacts many who use the public boat landing in <br /> addition to homeowners on Lake Johanna. An informal poll taken at a poorly attended <br /> picnic or the annual meeting of the Improvement Society would ignore the impact of any <br /> changes on other Arden Hills residents who utilize the lake. By waiting; until the picnic in <br /> August you are de facto choosing to take no action this year. By placing some buoys as <br /> soon as possible, you are providing a mechanism to gather data. <br /> June 23'j is rapidly approaching, The city is inviting many people to Visit Lake Johanna <br /> and share in our celebration. Let's capitalize on this opportunity to set the standard for <br /> safe and considerate operation of watcrcratl on our precious natural resource. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Willie J. Price <br /> • <br />