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A , <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: June 12, 2001 <br /> TO: Mayor, City Council and Department Heads <br /> FROM: Joe Lynch, City Administrator and Terrance Post, City Accountant <br /> SUBJECT: 2002 Budget Planning Calendar <br /> CC: Sheila Stowell <br /> As in past years, the first review of the Preliminary 2002 Budget occurred at the May Council <br /> `Norksession. Each department,to prepare for the 2002 Budget, should use the following calendar. <br /> Tentative 2002 Budget Planning Calendar <br /> Date Planning Process Item <br /> May 21, 2001 *Review and Incorporate Council Priorities into 2002 planning <br /> *Council/Staff discuss parameters/levy targets <br /> June 18, 2001 *Review schedule <br /> 0 *Develop Preliminary 2002—2006 CIP/Staffing/EDA <br /> *Baseline Budget assumptions reviewed <br /> July 16, 2001 *First cut of proposed budget <br /> *Finalize 2002 -2006 CIP <br /> August 20,2001 *Second cut of budget with input from July meeting <br /> August 27, 2001 *Modify budget as required from August meeting <br /> September 10, 2001 *Council Adopts Preliminary Levy and adopts proposed <br /> budget; the Preliminary Levy is certified to County <br /> November 19, 2001 *Budget update/Preview Truth-in-Taxation(TNT) Materials <br /> **On or Around <br /> December 1, 2001 *TNT Public Hearing <br /> **December 10, 2001 *Council Adopts Final Levy and 2002 Budget <br /> December 28, 2001 *The Final Levy is certified to County <br /> ** Dates for the Truth-in-Taxation meetings are dependent upon other jurisdictions'scheduled hearing dates <br /> and any changes made to the process by the Minnesota State Legislature. <br />