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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JULY 13, 2015 12 <br /> Mayor Grant reviewed the memorandum from City Administrator Klaers in further detail with <br /> the Council. <br /> City Administrator Klaers thanked the Council for the opportunity to work for the City of Arden <br /> Hills. He commended the Council on the staff that has been assembled at City Hall. <br /> Mayor Grant wished City Administrator Klaers all the best in his retirement. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember McClung moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a <br /> motion to accept Patrick Klaers' retirement from the City of Arden Hills as <br /> the City Administrator effective October 2, 2015, according to the terms listed <br /> in a memo from Patrick Klaers to the City Council dated July 13, 2015. The <br /> motion carried (5-0). <br /> B. City Administrator Recruitment Process <br /> Director of Finance and Administrative Services Iverson explained that the Personnel <br /> Committee met on June 30th and directed staff to gather proposals from two recruiting firms. She <br /> indicated that staff has completed this task and noted that the proposals ranged in price from <br /> $14,000 to $25,000. She requested that the Council discuss how to proceed and provide staff with <br /> direction. <br /> Mayor Grant suggested that the Personnel Committee review the two proposals and that a <br /> recommendation be made to the City Council that could be considered in two weeks. <br /> Councilmember Holden understood a lot of City Administrators were retiring this year. This <br /> means that there is a great deal of competition in the job marketplace. <br /> Councilmember Woodburn questioned the length of time it would take to go through the <br /> process with the recruiting firms. <br /> Director of Finance and Administrative Services Iverson commented that this process would <br /> take approximately 12 weeks. <br /> The Council directed staff to continue this item to the July 27, 2015, City Council agenda. <br /> 10. COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> Councilmember Woodburn was pleased that there would be a meeting with dog owners in <br /> Arden Hills. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if the Building Inspector could address the Council Chambers <br /> and City Hall room temperature. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated that he was not angry about the results of the TCAAP votes. <br /> He was sad and disappointed at what has transpired. He indicated that there was a great deal of <br /> dissatisfaction with the documents the Council has approved, not just from himself, but from <br />