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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JULY 13, 2015 9 <br /> City Planner Streff stated that the TRC establishes the development and design regulations for <br /> the TCAAP property. This document will implement the community's goals and visions for the <br /> redevelopment site as outlined in the CPA. The regulations contained within the TRC are meant <br /> to promote functional and attractive development through the use of recognized community <br /> design principles. While the TRC prescribes a higher level in detail in building design and form, <br /> the code also allows property owners and developers greater flexibility in land use and <br /> development parameters. The proposed Zoning Code Amendment in Planning Case 15-015 would <br /> adopt the entirety of the TRC as the new Section 1380 in the Arden Hills Zoning Code. <br /> City Planner Streff commented that for all properties within the TCAAP Regulating Plan area, <br /> the standards in the TRC will supersede the regulatory requirements under the Arden Hills Zoning <br /> Code (Chapter 13), Sign Code (Chapter 12), and Subdivision Ordinance (Chapter 11). However, <br /> in certain sections of the TRC, the standards within the Arden Hills City Code are adopted by <br /> reference and will also be the standards for development within TCAAP. Development standards <br /> that are not specifically addressed in the TRC will still be governed by the Arden Hills City Code <br /> to the extent they are not in conflict with the TRC. <br /> City Planner Streff reported that the Planning Commission reviewed Planning Case 15-015 at <br /> their regular meeting on July 8, 2015. The Planning Commission offers the following findings of <br /> fact for consideration: <br /> General Findings: <br /> 1. The proposed CPA, Rezoning, and TRC advance the City's Comprehensive Plan to <br /> develop and maintain a land use pattern that strengthens the vitality, quality, and character <br /> of the residential neighborhoods, commercial districts and industrial areas, while <br /> protecting the community's natural resources to develop a sustainable pattern for future <br /> development. <br /> 2. The proposed CPA, Rezoning, and TRC advance the City's Comprehensive Plan to <br /> develop TCAAP in a way that accommodates a mix of land uses that is sensitive to the <br /> natural environment, economically sustainable and a benefit to the community. <br /> 3. The proposed CPA, Rezoning, and TRC advance the City's Comprehensive Plan to <br /> promote the development, redevelopment and maintenance of a viable, innovative, and <br /> diverse business environment that serves Arden Hills and the metropolitan area. <br /> 4. The proposed CPA, Rezoning, and TRC advance the City's Comprehensive Plan to <br /> develop and maintain a strong, vital, diverse, and stable housing supply for all members of <br /> the community. <br /> 5. The proposed CPA, Rezoning, and TRC advance the City's Comprehensive Plan to <br /> enhance the health, safety, and well-being of all who live, work, and play in the City. <br /> 6. The proposed CPA, Rezoning, and TRC advance the City's Comprehensive Plan to create <br /> a comprehensive, maintained, and interconnected system of parks, pathways, and open <br /> spaces, as well as a balanced program of recreational activities for residents of all ages, <br /> incomes and abilities. <br /> 7. The proposed CPA, Rezoning, and TRC advance the City's Comprehensive Plan to <br /> preserve, protect, and restore the community's natural resources, including open spaces, <br /> lakes, wetlands, other significant natural features, and historic resources. <br /> 8. The proposed TRC implements the vision for a walkable, mixed-use, resilient, and vibrant <br /> TCAAP development. <br />