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Kunkel said he believes SWOT analysis is the first step. He asked who else besides the <br /> EDC should be part of the SWOT analysis process. Mayor Aplikowski stated she <br /> thought all the committees should be included. She further noted that on November 9, an <br /> all-committee meeting will be held. She also suggested we could perhaps branch into the <br /> business community. She stated perhaps we should start internally, taking a look at <br /> ourself as a city. <br /> It was noted that it would be best to have a facilitator for the process. Mayor Aplikowski <br /> noted that in the past, there had been discussion about a revolving loan fund. That might <br /> be a topic for future discussion. Kunkel asked the group if they think a SWOT analysis <br /> seems like a good idea, and if so,what should the next step be? <br /> Kneeland stated that she thinks it is a good idea, and that we should take a regional <br /> approach to the analysis. Wolfe suggested that it might be helpful to the process to be <br /> informed by neighboring communities about what is happening in their communities. <br /> McGraw stated that perhaps we should talk to DSU for input. He suggested that they <br /> probably already looked at the surrounding communities as they worked on planning <br /> efforts for TCAAP. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski suggested we could perhaps get all the communities together on one <br /> night. Ashbach said he thought it would be good information, but we need to first figure <br /> out what we need and want as a City. <br /> • Paulet referenced the sample economic development plans that were shared with the <br /> commission members. He stated that he likes the Milaca model. He suggested that we <br /> could benefit from a process similar to the one they used. He further suggested that we <br /> consider hiring a consultant to help us better understand who we are and where we want <br /> to go. He made a motion to hire a facilitator to help us prepare an economic development <br /> plan, which would include a SWOT analysis. Kelly seconded the motion. <br /> There was discussion about the need for funding such a project. Hiring a facilitator could <br /> cost several thousand dollars. <br /> Kneeland suggested an amendment to the earlier motion, that the City appoint a <br /> facilitator, but that it could be a volunteer, staff member, or hired consultant, which <br /> would be for staff and Ctiy Coucnil to decide. Paulet agreed to amend his motion. <br /> The motion carried unanimously. <br /> The next meeting date was set for November 16. The December meeting will be <br /> December 21. All meetings will begin at 7:30 a.m. <br />
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