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April 1973
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
April 1973
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The Second Regular School Board Meeting - March 26, 1973 Reporter Elaine Shore ' <br />Marven Rosen, Assistant Superintendent, gave a report on the Community school survey, which will be <br />used to judge the needs and hopes of the community in regard to future educational decisions. ' <br />The Board, in a 4 to 2 decision, passeda resolution in regards to the Lori Clepper (MVHS student) appeal, <br />finding that there was enough evidence to show that Mr. Mayeron (teacher -advisor) acted within the <br />Page two <br />Village Council Meeting - March 26 1973 Reporter - Dave Lace <br />9 9 . p Y <br />Electrical Inspector Cartier resigned, with Council seeking replacement. Ordinance 98 (regarding <br />, <br />zoning, etc.) rereferred to Attorney Lynden for next meeting. Pemtom final Plats for additions I and <br />2 approved in depiction when Open Space and Development Agreement approved. Plan presented <br />for control of surface drainage at Valentine Park but rereferred to next meeting ---cost estimated at, <br />$3,000 to $3,500. Reported that water main break at County E had cost village $3,000, and request <br />County be made to share responsibility. Master metering on water requested for Pemtom project. <br />Flaherty's Liquor Store and sign approved with Off -Sale license approved. <br />Public hearing scheduled before Planning Commission on granting of U -Haul Trailer and Truck Rental <br />for 3833 N. Lexington on May 1, 1973. <br />Request for 3 summer employees made with wage suggested at $2.50 per hour. Indicated preference <br />for Arden Hills applicants. Glenpaul drainage problem discussed with proposal. Master metering of <br />, <br />water suggested for Bethel. <br />Parks and Recreation Committee sending questionaire to residents requesting what kinds of parks <br />, <br />residents want, etc. Voted not to participate in SPARC or Youth Service Bureau programs. Mini -bike <br />problem reported in Perry Park and agreed more enforcement needed. Ward Hanson named as new <br />chairman of Finance Committee. <br />' <br />Vi Iloge Counci I Meeting - Apri1 9, 1973 Reporter - Dave Lacey <br />Village joining lawsuit on S:A.C: charges. Ordinance 98 approved. P`emtomrevisions approved. <br />Cost estimate given on Glenpoul Avenue. One sign for new Ramada Inn approved - other large roof <br />top sign (6' high lettering) deferred to next planning commission meeting. Lindey's rezoning request` <br />' <br />tabled until Undey consults all residents around steak house on proposal and gets OK. <br />Fence approved for sound abatement around air conditioner unit at Presbyterian Home on S. Shore of <br />' <br />Lake Johanna. 10 foot garage door unacceptable. Council to advise Pemtom on sign violation at town- <br />house unit. Proposal for garage and south fence approved for 3131 Shoreline Road. <br />Human Rights Commissioner to speak at Arden Hills Libra 7:30 PM, May 9, "Human Rights - c,c,• <br />g p Library Y <br />Challenge to the Suburbs". Valentine Park drainage discussed. Approved hiring of 3 summer employees <br />and purchase of new pickup truck. Parks and Recreation told to secure additional bids for Village Hall <br />' <br />site improvement and bids for fence at Perry Park. Reported that money was needed for equipment for <br />tractors, etc. for mowing. Parks and Recreation Meeting changed to April 10 instead of April 24. <br />The Second Regular School Board Meeting - March 26, 1973 Reporter Elaine Shore ' <br />Marven Rosen, Assistant Superintendent, gave a report on the Community school survey, which will be <br />used to judge the needs and hopes of the community in regard to future educational decisions. ' <br />The Board, in a 4 to 2 decision, passeda resolution in regards to the Lori Clepper (MVHS student) appeal, <br />finding that there was enough evidence to show that Mr. Mayeron (teacher -advisor) acted within the <br />
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