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Protecting people: Several metropolitan area communities operate Police <br />Reserve Units who work with municipality police. Arden Hills Council has <br />approved the creation of such a Unit in our Village to assist the Police <br />Department personnel in times of need. Two A. H. men have completed the <br />training course and will be available to assist -police on a volunteer basis <br />after Council has finished its study of the Rules and Regulations pertaining <br />to Police Reserve Units and has given its official approval. <br />Transporting People: Beginning Monday, August 9, MTC will -begin service of <br />Route 38, a freeway express bus service through Arden Hills to downtown <br />Minneapolis. The route begins in Circle Pines and enters Arden Hills at. <br />35W and County Road E-2 to New Brighton Road to Stowe Avenue, then down. <br />Cleveland Avenue to County Road D where it will again go back on 35W. The <br />bus will make one trip into downtown Minneapolis in the morning, scheduled <br />to arrive at Cleveland and E-2 at 7:17 A.M. (You will have to calculate <br />times around this stop point as at this writing, schedules have not been re- <br />ceived from the printers). There are two return trips in the late afternoon <br />from downtown Minneapolis, at 4:45 P.M. and 5:10 P.M. Because only this <br />sketchy information is available at this time we suggest you call the MTC <br />at 827-7733 for more times and locations. This editor did ask how one stops <br />the get picked up and the answer came: "At controlled corners there <br />will be designations, otherwise you just kind of wave it down." Well, o.k., <br />good luck, riders, and let the Crier know how this works out! <br />**'***MTC says the trip from Circle Pines to downtown Minneapolis on Route <br />38 will take only 45 minutes, cutting 17-19 minutes from a previous schedule, <br />which could make it an attractive route for A. H. residents who work in Min- <br />neapolis...... <br />' Next month the Crier hopes to publish ROUTE MAPS PS AND SCHEDULES FOR ALL PUBLIC <br />TRANSPORTATION SERVING ARDEN HILLS in a condensed version for quick -reference. <br />' Helping People: The Volunteers of America has contacted the - h Crier in its <br />search to locate foster parents who are willing to help in the treatment of <br />"troubled kids". They are looking for foster parents who: "Have the abil- <br />ity to communicate warmth & understanding to children; have child-rearing <br />experience; and are interested in further developing their skills in working <br />' with children." VOA also adds that it offers: "Training to develop the know- <br />ledge and skills to help a foster child; opportunities for professional de- <br />'velopment; financial compensation; and extensive support from agency staff." <br />If you have an interest in this, please call Mary Gay Hutcherson at VOA, <br />721-6327. <br />f <br />. The. sprinkling ban has been lifted in Arden Hills since the re -painting <br />of our water tank has now been finished...... <br />Village Tree Inspector Mark Peterson recently complimented residents <br />on their fine cooperation in removing diseased trees within the 20 -day time <br />limit..... <br />' COPY DEADLINE FOR NEXT TOWN CRIER - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. CONTACT SEC./ED. <br />' JAN HOLLENHORST, 1822 VENUS AVENUE, ARDEN HILLS 55112 OR CALL AT 633-1822. <br />