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August 1976
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
August 1976
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, hL <br />••.... Another developer, Skyline Builders, recently .held an, informal discus- <br />sion with the Planning Commission concerning land usage of the now vacant <br />land along County Road F east of the bus barns in Arden Hills. Several ideas <br />are being considered by Skyline for this area which is now zoned R-1: <br />1) Division into 21 lots of 14,000 sq. ft. each for single family dwellings. <br />This usage is within minimum lot size requirements in Arden Hills and <br />would not require re -zoning. <br />2) Dividing the area into 26 lots of 11,000 sq. ft. each for single family <br />homes. This plan would require re -zoning to R-2. <br />3) Dividing the land into 23 lots of 11,000 sq. ft. each with the remaining ' <br />land designated as open space. This plan also requires R-2 re -zoning. <br />4) A condominium/town house development of six units. This plan falls in- , <br />to the category of a Planned Unit Development("PUD" in Planning language) <br />and PUDs require a Special Use Permit. <br />Skyline apparently has contacted some adjacent residents to sound them out <br />about their feelings regarding the above proposals. When Skyline makes its <br />decision on which way to go, a preliminary plat plan will be presented to <br />the Planning Commission. A Public Hearing will then be held before the Plan- <br />ning Commission to enable all residents to question and respond -- residents <br />within 350' of the development will be notified by mail of that -Hearing. <br />(The rest of us will hope to read about it in the Town Crier <br />...... And the colleges in Arden Hills grow too....: Planning Commission <br />(at its August 3 meeting) recommended Council approve the Fine Arts facility. <br />at Northwestern College campus, with a long list of 'conditions'. Council <br />will discuss this issue at a forthcoming meeting but the item is not yet <br />scheduled on a specific Council agenda. Check with the Village Hall for an <br />exact date. , <br />...... Bethel College is anticipating an enrollment of 1700 students this <br />fall. Last year's enrollment was 1630. Council has approved an addition ' <br />to Bethel's Fine Arts Building. The addition is approximately 105' x 38' <br />(four levels). and will house administrative offices, day student lounges <br />and some class rooms. Although Bethel is still housing some students in <br />its dormitory buildings at the old campus site on Snelling Avenue in St. <br />Paul, all classes are now held on the Arden Hills campus. <br />Arden Hills Wild Life (?) Population Up -date: There are now 38 Canadian ■ <br />Geese on Lake Valentine, donated by the A. H. Sportsmen's Club. That's the <br />truth; here's one we're not so sure about: Is it or is it not truly a wild , <br />turkey roaming the yards in Shorewood Hills? Something has been spotted by <br />residents there and some insist it is a wild turkey and others say "Nah;" <br />Hope some expert will come forth with an answer..... , <br />
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