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January 1978
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
January 1978
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A <br />Quotable quotes heard around the Village Hall, After Mr. McClung presented his plans <br />for the 43 lots, and the Planning Commission got hung up on water, sewer, roads, trees, etc., <br />a voice in the audience was heard to whisper, "What ever happened to the days when a man <br />could bulldoze his own land, build a house, and then either live there or sell?" Ah, <br />civilization. <br />And when talk about drive-ins in Arden Hills began, one Planning Commissioner said he <br />had often heard the phrase, "We moved to Arden Hills because ", and he would like <br />to keep it that way. This phrase was use particularly during the dog ordinance hearings <br />and the police department discussions. Again Civilization seems to be marching onward. <br />Another favorite saying describes the situation when a business, already located in <br />an area zoned for other things, wants to add on. This is expansion of a non -conforming use <br />of the land, and the City Planner calls it the "Northwest Bible College syndrome". He sug- <br />gests we try to avoid this at all costs. <br />Or how about, "They'll let you build anything in Arden Hills if you promise to paint <br />it earth -tones and surround it with trees.!' <br />Potpourri ---Arden Hills and Ramsey County are tossing the Police contract back and <br />forth; we have our attorney straightening out some of the wording (we hope).---- The Council <br />has approved the building permit for Flaherty's addition with a list of conditions. ---There <br />will be a Public Hearing in late January or early February concerning the feasibility of <br />putting in water in the northwestern corner of our Village. Neighbors will be notified by <br />mail. ---Mutual Service received the final Building Permit for its office. ---The special <br />eleetion in State Senate District 49 (including only Precinct 5 of AH) was weird: Nobody <br />voted in the primary (that's right, zero votes) and only 12 people showed up for the general <br />election. Questions are being raised as to the cost of running this. ---The Northwestern <br />Bible Coilege court case began on December 12 and is being heard by Judge Plunkett. Since <br />both the wheels of justice and the mills of God grind so slowly, it may be awhile before <br />there is more news on that. <br />Another land development is being proposed; this one is called Karth Lake Estates fest. <br />(Good heavens, we'll have those 10,000 people in Arden Hills in no time at all!) This land <br />is between Nursery Hill Lane and Amble Road, east of Hamlin. The problem here is that <br />there are several lots that appear to be land -locked, and approval of land -locked areas is <br />elearly illegal. One solution would be a cul-de-sac off a cul-de-sac, if you can visualize <br />such a contradiction in terms. The owner has considered donating the land to the Village, <br />but how would anybody get there? The Planning Commission decided to have the City Engineer <br />look at the situation to see if the drainage would make any difference. <br />The Council discussed the Snowmobile Ordinance proposed by the Ramsey County League <br />' of Local Governments and has decided to stick with the ordinance that Arden Hills already <br />has. Ramsey County's ordinance varied slightly from ours in the land areas. allowed for <br />snowmobiles and on the hours allowed. Arden Hills says snowmobiles must stay at least <br />100 feet away from residential buildings, can operate only between 7j00 a .m. and 11:00 p.m. <br />' any day of the week, cannot drive on Village, State or School lands (except public right- <br />of-ways) unless permission is posted, cannot operate on the Village pedestrian trails, and <br />cannot be driven while under the influence of liquor or drugs. If you have specific ques- <br />tions on this, just give the Village Hall a ring. <br />The St. Paul Book and Stationery has requested a sign variance to erect a new identify- <br />ing sign in front of their building on County Road E. Apparently the old sign is ready to <br />fall down and, being so close to the ground, is subject to a great deal of vandalism. The <br />' applicant says they also need a new sign because people have trouble finding their building. <br />
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