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Z961 'ON 3!wJ9d <br />•uuiW 'Ined '3S <br />uiva <br />3JV1SOd 'S 'n <br />xsda x�ns <br />(Good grief, it's right there in Downtown Arden Hills:) Since the Planning Commission <br />is currently in the very early phase of long-range planning of County Road E, St. Paul Book <br />was asked to hold off for 3 months, at which time the PC will give them a definite answer. <br />JANUARY CALPTDAR <br />January 3 Special Council Meeting 5$30 p.m. <br />This meeting is required by law, <br />on the f irst business day of the <br />year, to make official appointments <br />and such. <br />3 Planning Commission 7$30 p.m. <br />4 Public Works 7$30 p.m. <br />5 Human Rights 7130 p.m. <br />January 10 <br />Parks <br />& Recreation <br />8$00 <br />p.m. <br />11 <br />Rice <br />Creek watershed <br />7$30 <br />, <br />12 Finance 7$30 <br />24 Planning Commission 7=30 , <br />25 Rice Creek <br />30 Council <br />7:30 ' <br />7130 <br />9 Regular Council Meeting 7130 p.m. <br />All of these meetings are to be held at the Village Hall. Please call there (633-5676) <br />for more information. <br />The Arden Association is a non-profit organisation existing for the purpose of in- <br />forming residents of Arden Hills of Village activities and business. The Town Crier <br />expresses opinions of the editor on these matters and attempts to maks its contenfs <br />informative and interesting. Readers' comment on anything is vacouraged. Deadline for <br />the next issues January 20. Secretary -Editors Diane McAllister 484-0773 <br />1200 Ingerson Road 55112 <br />