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October 1978
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
October 1978
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reasonable regulations without making the rule book'too thick, One of the , <br />things they had to decide was whether the sign requirements should be according <br />to land use (light industry, business, etc.) or according to location (every- ' <br />thing along County Road E of one size, everything along Freeway 694 perhaps a <br />larger size, etc.). More as events develop. <br />The Newsletter Publication Committee suggested at their last meeting that - <br />the T_ Crier include a partial listing of some of Arden Hills' more famous <br />ordinances. Of course, since we decided this at 7800 a.m. the morning after <br />the primary election, I can't say how sharp any.of us were. <br />At any rate, did you know that Arden Hills allows no on -street parking 1 <br />for over 6 hours at a stretch? Also, you cannot park a car on your property , <br />for more than 7 days if it is not licensed and runningf in other words, no <br />Junkers. You cannot park a motor vehicle over one ton with a commercial licens <br />in a residential area unless it is there for a service. <br />Boats or trailers can be stored in your back yard only if they are leas <br />than 20 feet long and are "inconspicuous". (Whatever the definition of that may <br />be.) All trash must be in a covered container and properly screened from view. <br />Only two dogs are allowed per household. Trees on your property must not hang ' <br />out over the curb because this causes problems for street maintainance and <br />visibility, j <br />If you have any question on these or any other ordinances, give the Villag� <br />Hall a ring, 633-5676. There's a whole bunch of rules just about ronces. <br />A neighborhood meeting was held on September 13 concerning the proposed <br />new Arden Hills Trail. (That's the one that angles northeast from the corner <br />of Stowe and New Brighton Road up to County Road E.) John Buckley_s,_our.Parks <br />Director, said it was a "good, lively" meeting with about 15 people there: `It <br />appears the neighbors want the first part of the trail left as wild and natural <br />as possible, so that's what we'll aim for. <br />Editor's notes I read an article in the Public Works magazine that said <br />the most important thing in making a park is to put in what the local people <br />want. On area in Indiana built a lovely baseball diamond only to discover that <br />it was in an ethnic area where everyone really wanted a soccer field. Another ' <br />community built two tennis courts in a very poor area when the kids wanted <br />basketball hoops. <br />e <br />There is a meeting scheduled for October 2 at the Village Hall when the <br />pros and cons of funding the North Suburban Youth Services will be discussed. ' <br />This is the regularly scheduled meeting of the Public Safety Committee, and <br />the Council has asked them to come up with a recommendation on -whether or not <br />Arden Hills should help fund the group. The Public Safety people are therefore , <br />trying to assess the validity of this service. If you're interested, one way <br />or the other, please come, 7830 p.m. Hopefully there will be some informed <br />people there from Ramsey County to tell the committee what services are avail- <br />able through the Coupty. <br />No members of the general public were present at the Public Hearing on <br />September 7 which considered what to do with Arden Hills' $359000 share of <br />the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. (Although I did get a call the next day <br />suggesting a bike trail along north Hemline.) It was decided, and later 0H'd <br />by.the Council to put $5,000 toward the new Public Works building addition <br />
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