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October 1978
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
October 1978
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and the other $309000 toward the.purchase of a now tractor -plow. This new <br />plow will cost around =459000 but is said to work especially well with cul-de- <br />sacs and can be operated by only one man. <br />Maintainance of cul-de-sacs is becoming more and more of a problem to AH <br />as their number increases..Before 1972, we had only 11 of them and added just <br />9 during"'the next 5 years. But in 1978 we built 17, and we are planning on 14 <br />more next year. <br />By a like token, our road mileage is also increasing which calla for more <br />plowing and maintainance. In 1972-77 we added 2.5 miles of roads, but in 1978 <br />alone we acquired 3.7 miles more and are anticipating 3.6 miles additional <br />in 1979• <br />e <br />e <br />e <br />The -most interesting occurrence at the September Planning Commission <br />meeting was when MoundsView High School came in with'a rather routine request <br />for a Special Use Permit for their new Library and Cafeteria. The ensuing dis- <br />cussion was a fascinating study of King Kong (Arden Hills bureaucracy) vs. <br />Godzilla (School District 621 bureaucracy). Neither side was monstrously vio- <br />lent, but each proved to be rather slow and lumbering. <br />Everyone wants these additions to get started as soon as possible, but the <br />School District had provided no landscape plans. And the Planning Commission <br />pointed out that ANY business or industry wanting a Special Use Permit in AH <br />is requred to have landscape plans. Neither the architect nor tie high school <br />principal who were at this meeting could speak for the School p%os.d, and to send <br />the problem back there anyway would take another month or so, Wba t to do to <br />save time? <br />The PC solved the dilemma by OKing the Special Use Permit with the under- <br />standing that the: Occupancy Permit would not be issued t . 1. ". :'a satisfied <br />with the landscape plans., Let's hope the School Distric., can vee its way clear <br />`to pony up a few extra dollars for some twees. <br />POTPOURRIS The Department of Natural Resources is going to reduce the deer <br />Population again at the Arsenal. The chief of the wildlife section estimates <br />approximately 5 deer per month will be removed..,...Mutual Service had an in- <br />house contest to name the park adjacent to their new buildirg. The winning <br />names weres Twin Pines Vark, Evergreen Park, Mutual Hills Community Park, and <br />Twin Pines Preserve. The Parks & Rec Deptartment will consider all of these <br />when making the final choice...,..Over 1900 -students are at Bethel this year, <br />not many more than at the high school...... <br />Cardiac Pacemakers hopes to begin the third phase of their construction <br />in early 1980 and would like to begin some of the parking area sooner. They <br />anticipate 780 employees by the.e nd of this year......Ths Cour..:il approved the <br />new Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance Amendment which says that liquor stores can <br />now stay open until 1Os00 p.m, on Fridays and Saturdays..... The State has passed <br />a law saying that any city which sells licenses for food vending machines must <br />also provide a health inspector to regularly inspect these machines. Arden <br />Hills therefore decided to quit selling this type of license. Food vending <br />machines still need a State license however......The new 4 x 4 with plow that <br />the City is going to buy will cost over $8,000...... <br />The rev addition to the Public Works buildirk, will have its Public Hearing <br />sometime next month, hopefully at the Planning Commission meeting on Oct. 4. <br />Call the Village Hall for exact time and place. The addition will be towards <br />the north......The residents along Glen Paul have requested that a street light <br />be installed somewhere midway between New Brighton Rend and Prior. A petition <br />for this was presented to the Council, with 29 signers all saying they wouldn't <br />even mind if the light had to be located on their property. The Council decided <br />to go and check out the situation some dark night before voting, <br />
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