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February 1979
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
February 1979
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Last month's letter-of-resignation from the Planning Commission by Terry <br />McCloskey and my accompanying editorial has elicited little response from any- <br />one but the Planning Commission. Here are excerpts from the two letters from <br />Planning Commission members. The first was written by Planning Commission <br />chairman Tom Lynch to Mayor Crepeau: <br />"As Chairman of the Planning Commission, I must say that I share-many of..,,Mr. <br />McCloskey's concerns. However, I believe,this would be a good time;to remind <br />the Planning Commission members and the citizens of Arden Hills that the Plan- <br />ning Commission is not a governing body, but rather a Commission'`to rev +e <br />planning concerns of the City, and make recommendations to the;.Pouncil. <br />"We, the Planning Commission, are an appointed body charged with the zoning <br />and planning aspects of this growing city. We are to look towpr-d good planning <br />principles and zoning. The Council, being an elected body, ma:* concern them- <br />selves with the wishes of the citizens of Arden Hills, while arriving'at their <br />prudent and final decisions. The majority of Council members have served on <br />this Planning Commission in the past, and have experienced =the planning and <br />zoning concerns present today." <br />And this next is from a letter written to me ,by Richard Ericson,. Plannin <br />Commission member: <br />"Three cheers for" <br />planning commission meetings:' when they are discussing <br />the little fence that's goingupnext to me; when it's my pet planning;issue <br />and I want to be heard; when my application for a variance is being resisted <br />and I want them to give me time to argue the rightness of my case; when 50 <br />of my neighbors and I all want to voice our position on the development which <br />is going to change the character of our neighborhood; when the "small detail" <br />is me; and when I want to have the matter.tabled so that I can have another - <br />crack at it --for or against. , <br />".....The nature of a deliberative body is inherently cumbersome, even -though - <br />all of us would certainly like to find ways to bring efficiency to the process, <br />I am very concerned about this problem, not only because it involves our time, <br />but because it could inhibit citizen participation. However, I've never known <br />of any reticence when citizens really care about an agenda item. Also, there <br />are dangers in moving too many decisions into the administration. Itm for a <br />system which gives a public airing to decisions, even if it -takes time. <br />"And, Terry, you deserve a bit of good natured ribbing. I wish that you would <br />have been at more of our meetings when you were a member. Some that you mis ed <br />weren't so bad. Many of the issues that you and Diane wrote about have .,surely <br />been discussed. We'll keep trying to be more productive in an important activ- <br />ity in which there is never a perfectly satisfactory decision." <br />These excerpts were selected for publication by the Newsletter Publication , <br />Committee who gave approval to print the first letter too. This Committee <br />has also directed me to publicly thank the Planning Commission for all ,their - <br />time and for the thoughtful effort they put into their decisions. The Plan- <br />ning Commission has reassured me that the Planning Commission is doing ,an <br />excellent job. <br />The Human Rights Commission is working to discover just what problems we <br />have in AH in this field, and what can be done to solve them. At their Feb, l <br />meeting (if you get this by then), a realtor will discuss what the housing <br />situation is in AH regarding minorities and low-income. In March, the' topic <br />will be "Blacks in the Community", with the speaker yet to be announced. Other <br />topics will be'covered later in the spring. Do plan on attending some or <br />all of these meetings. <br />
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