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July 1979
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
July 1979
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SUMMER PARKS AND RECREATION <br />The summer playground activities for kids is being held in various parka <br />around Arden Hills and looks like a lot of fun. There will be two play leaders <br />at each site, and pre -registration for your child is NOT necessary. In fact, ' <br />the program is designed to accommodate the irregular attendance which often <br />accompanies vacation time. Included in the activities are crafts, active games <br />hiking, cook -outs, etc. ---something for everyone. Here is the schedule, come <br />whenever you can: <br />For ages 4 through 6s Monday and Wednesday mornings, 9:30 a.m. to Noon <br />at Florall, Ingerson, and Arden Manor Parks <br />Tuesday and Friday mornings, 9:30 a.m. to Noon <br />at Freeway, Sampson, and Valentine Parks <br />For ages 7 and overt Monday and Wednesday afternoons, 1s00 p.m. to 4s00 p.m. <br />at Freeway, Sampson, and Valentine Parks <br />Tuesday and Friday afternoons, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. <br />at Floral, Ingerson, and Arden Manor Parks ' <br />There will also be adventure trips (new Zoo, Science Museum, Apple River, <br />etc.) on Thursdays. These trips do require pre -registration and will, of course, <br />cost something for admission and transportation. Check at your local playground <br />at the times listed above for further information on these excursions. <br />For teens and adults, Arden Hills is offering both tennis and golf instruc-1 1 <br />tion this summer. The golf lessons are on Tuesday or Thursday evenings, 6 one- <br />hour classes for $12.00. The tennis classes are Mondays or Tuesdays, 6 one- <br />hour adult sessions for $10.50. Please call the Village Hall at 633-5676 for <br />more information or for registration. <br />SEWER OR WATER EMERGENCIES <br />If you are beset with a sewer or water problem on a weekend or holiday,, ' <br />call the Sheriff's Office at 484=33$6 and they will dispatch a man who is on <br />call for the Public Works Department. <br />"UNBUILDABLE" LOT <br />More on that "unbuildable" lot on Lake Johanna: the Planning Commission <br />recommended that the applicant submit a plan for a house which would utilize <br />the same portion of the site that is now used by the existing structures. That <br />way the owner won't need to ask for any more variances for the new building <br />than already exist on the old one. <br />WYNRIDGE DEVELOPMENT <br />Some discussion was held at the Planning Commission concerning the proposed <br />names for several of the streets in the new Wynridge development. (This is <br />the area just east of Hamline and south of Amble Road.) Some of the planned <br />names are Wyncrest Lane, Wyncrest Court, and Wynridge Drive. The majority of <br />the Planning Commission members felt that such a similarity of names causes <br />confusion; however, one member said she thinks that name similarity identifies <br />an area and actually reduces confusion. The Council will eventually make the <br />decision. There are 52 lots in this development. <br />OTHER DEVELOPMENTS IN THE CITY <br />Cardiac Pacemakers is ready to start Phase III of its planned expansion. <br />This will be another office building and will come up before the Planning Com- <br />mission shortly. <br />Also, Eastside Beverage has found it necessary to expand already, as has <br />I.C. Systems, When I.C. Systems built on Lexington in 1972, it was thought they <br />would be set for 25 years, but already they have both parking and office space , <br />problems. They would like to stay in Arden Hills if they can. <br />Both the addition to the city Public Works building and the installation of <br />
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