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The Council has resolved that the City will now help defray expenses for <br />having diseased oaks and elms removed from certain private property. The land <br />must be legally homesteaded and of 20 acres or less. If the homgowner uses the <br />;call <br />City-provided tree removal service, he/she will have to pay only a base amount, <br />depending upon the size of the lot involved. Flor 5 acres or less, the owner <br />will have to pay only the first $110.00; from 5 to 10 acres, $220; from 10 to <br />15 acres, $330; and from 15 to 20 acres, the first $440. For more information, <br />the Village Hall 633-5676. <br />Here is a note I received from the Chairman of the Lake Johanna Improvement <br />Society: <br />"Many of you have enjoyed Lake Johanna either for swimming, boating, or <br />cross-country skiinge However, you may not be aware of the Lake Johanna Improve- <br />ment Society, Inc. We have been in existence for over 20 years to help main- <br />tain the lake's environment and to organize a weed spray program each year for <br />the control of aquatic weeds and algae. The spray program is paid for by the <br />lake residents and Ramsey County. <br />"The nine -member Board is elected by the members (anyone living on or near <br />Lake Johanna can be a member, no cost!). This year the Chairperson is Nancy <br />Hansen, 3368 Lake Johanna Blvd. 633-1097. If you would like more information <br />or have concerns about the lake, please call. She can also give you the names <br />of the other Board members. <br />"Nancy would also like to make you aware of the hours on the lake for the <br />use of power boats. You can boat from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 3:00 p.m. <br />to 7:00 p.m. The other times are for those who enjoy canoes and sailboats. The <br />ordinance also requires all power boats to stay out 'of all private swimming <br />areas. The Board hopes that you will come and enjoy Lake Johanna this summer." <br />According to Arden Hills' Ordinance #99, it is illegal to park a passenger <br />car or truck in inoperable condition outdoors for more than 7 days. "Inoperable" <br />means incapable of movement under the vehicle's own power. If the vehicle is <br />on public land, it must also be licensed. In this ordinance, "public land" is <br />;considered to beapartment parking lots, business parking lots, and mobile home <br />courts. <br />The reason this is mentioned is that Deputy Sheriff Herbst says he could <br />stag 100 or so such illegal cars today, if he wanted to. But then we would have <br />100 irate citizens screaming at the Village Hall and Sheriff's Department. He <br />F <br />ants to make sure everyone knows the rules and then removes the offending cars. <br />OU HAVE BEEN WARNED1111 <br />NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE <br />As you may have heard, the Minnesota Supreme Court has handed down its ver- <br />ict on the case of Northwestern College vs. Arden Hills, and has found in favor <br />of the College. This was the case where AH denied NW a permit for a new Fine <br />irits center on the basis that the land was zoned residential and that such a <br />uilding would thus be contrary to our zoning ordinance. The Supreme Court <br />greed with AH thus far, but then said in effect, "What about Bethel? You've <br />et them expand." Here is the direct quote from the decision: <br />"Northwestern's application for a special -use permit and Bethel's appli- <br />ation for a building permit were both taken up by the planning commission at <br />its July 6, 19769 meeting......On July 19, 1976, the city council did grant <br />ethel's building permit, but on September 13, 1976, it denied Northwestern's <br />pplication on the ground that a private college is not a permitted use in a <br />esidential zone...... The disparate treatment of Northwestern and Bethel is <br />onstitutionally impermissible." <br />The Court went on to say further that the only reason the cases were treated <br />ifferently seemed to be the intervention of, the Arden III neighborhood group. <br />f NW now applies for another permit, AH must issue it,with the usual perform- <br />nce standards: screening, noise, traffic, etc. The Court decision is limited <br />o this ONE building. <br />