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ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />APRIL 29, 2002 10 <br />• Mr. Boujeau indicated with no maintenance on the street, the street had lasted 20 plus years, and <br />he indicated any street should last this long, especially if it was maintained. He asked the Council <br />consider this. He stated he the opposed the 28-foot reconstruction. <br />Brenda Golsman, 1146 Waldon Place, indicated she liked the wider street. She stated the street <br />damage was not done by frost, but by no maintenance being done by the City. She noted if the <br />City had properly maintained this street, it would not be necessary for this to be reconstructed at <br />this time. She stated they did not have a lot of traffic and she believed if the City had maintained <br />this street in the first place, this would not be necessary. She asked that this project be considered <br />when Benton Way was reconstructed in the future. <br />Carol Shea, 1140 Hunters Court, stated she believed something did need to be done with the cul- <br />de-sacs. She stated she purchased her house because of the lot. She asked what affect this <br />proposal would have on the pond. Mr. Brown stated the pond was under private easement. <br />Mr. Post replied the issue of the private ponds had come up in 1995 and this had not been <br />addressed satisfactorily at that time so this was still an issue. <br />Resident, 1141 Hunters Court, stated he would like to see this project done when Benton's Way <br />was reconstructed. He stated the road would last until Benton Way was done in five to seven <br />years. He stated he would like the whole neighborhood be done at the same time. <br />• Mr. Moore stated he had received two calls from residents, Laura Visa, 1149 Waldon Place, <br />stating she was in favor of the total 28 foot reconstruct and Mr. Dennis Monson, 1144 Waldon <br />Place who also stated he was in favor of the 28 foot reconstruct. <br />Resident, 1135 Hunters Court, stated she preferred the 32-foot road width, but if they did go with <br />the 28-foot reconstruct, she requested a surmountable curb. <br />Council Member Larson asked for the implications of a 28-foot versus a 32-foot road width. Mr. <br />Brown summarized the implications. <br />MOTION: Council Member Aplikowski moved and Council Member Larson seconded a <br />motion to accept the 2002 PMP Feasibility Report. The motion carried <br />unanimously <br />(5-0). <br />Council Member Aplikowski stated she had listened to the residents regarding having only mill <br />and overlay done at this time. However, it seemed historically that as soon as this decision was <br />made something bad would happen to the road and it was a difficult thing to weight this. <br />Council Member Larson stated he was in favor of going forward with the reconstruction of the <br />28 feet. He stated he understood why the residents wanted to go with a wider street, but this <br />• would cost all of the taxpayers' further money. He stated a narrower street would also calm <br />traffic even though this was a cul-de-sac. He stated unless there was a persuasive argument for <br />