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ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />APRIL 29, 2002 9 <br />• Mayor Probst suggested the motion be withdrawn and the Planning Commission review this at <br />their next meeting, and it come back to the Council at the May 13 meeting. <br />Council Member Larson withdrew his motion. <br />Mayor Probst asked the applicant for an extension of seven (7) days. Mr. Carstens agreed to this <br />extension. <br />Ms. Carlson stated her concern was that she would lose the families she had hoped to take with <br />her to the new facility. Mayor Probst stated she could request they take a vote tonight, but they <br />were required by State law to act on this tonight, unless they received an extension. <br />Ms. Carlson agreed to an extension. <br />MOTION: Council Member Larson moved and Council Member Aplikowski seconded a <br />motion to continue this matter to the next City Council Meeting. Motion adopted <br />unanimously (5-0). <br />Mayor Probst requested Item F be heard before Item E. <br />F. Accept 2002 PMP Feasibility Report and Authorize Preparation of Plans and <br />� Speci�cations. <br />City Engineer Brown, summarized the proposed project, the discussions held at the <br />neighborhood meetings, and his recommendations and costs. <br />Mr. Boujeau, stated when he received the letter with the City's recommendations, he noted errors <br />on the report. He stated there was no homeowner's association on these two cul-de-sacs and he <br />did not understand this comment. He indicated he was not in favor of the road being reduced of <br />its present radius. It stated that while it was a nice gesture to offer the homeowner's the <br />opportunity to have their driveways done, he believed it was the City's responsibility to do the <br />streets and only the streets. He asked why the overlay estimate went from $50,000.00 to <br />$63,900.00 in just a couple on months. He asked what the 26 percent cost was. He asked why the <br />quantities of bituminous differed, and why was there different square yards used. He stated the <br />size of these two streets should be done for the same amount of money. He asked about the sod <br />price. He asked why the sub grade excavation for Waldon Place was not smaller. He asked about <br />the miscellaneous removal cost. He believed this was excessive. He asked what $2,000.00 would <br />buy in the way of traffic control if used in other areas of the City. <br />Mayor Probst asked if his concerns materially changed the outcome. Mr. Boujeau stated it may <br />not change it, but he believed that something like this should be as accurate as possible before it <br />was sent out to the residents for review. <br />� <br />