Laserfiche WebLink
City of Arden Hills Personnel Policy Effective February 29,2016 <br />4. Respect proprietary information, content and confidentiality. Give credit to <br />appropriate persons when required or appropriate. <br />5. Reply to comments in a timely manner, when a response is appropriate. <br />Understand that quality communication is important, so engage appropriately. <br />6. Be transparent as to who you are and who you represent. Be clear about your role <br />for the City of Arden Hills so as to identify your vested interest in the information <br />you share. <br />7. Be aware that just by identifying yourself as a City of Arden Hills' employee, you <br />are creating perceptions about yourself and about the City. Be sure all content <br />associated with you is consistent with your work and the City's professional <br />standards. <br />8. Know and follow the City's rules for conduct, Computer Use & Security Policy <br />and the Social Media Use Policy. <br />9. Be aware that some information is confidential and/or sensitive until deemed <br />available for public release. Employees are expected to maintain this <br />confidentiality. <br />10. Add value and excitement to the online community. Your statements and posts <br />should provide the community with information to improve their knowledge, <br />skills, solve problems, or to understand City government and community activities <br />better. <br />11. Social media is a conversation, so talk to the community as you would a real <br />person in a professional situation. Be a leader while communicating and do not <br />create incendiary statements to inflame others. Be careful and considerate of other <br />points of view. <br />Posting guidelines: <br />a. No more than for 2 posts per day on the site. <br />b. Please keep sites updated. <br />c. Posts should include a colorful picture or link if possible to <br />another site to promote interest. <br />d. Post events as close to the date of the event as possible. At the <br />very least, post a reminder close to the event. <br />Guidelines for responses to posts: <br />a. The City will delete any responses containing profanity, vulgarity, <br />or which are demeaning or inflammatory to other people. <br />b. Document deleted posts (save thread to a file), along with specific <br />reason for deleting. <br />Use Facebook as a photo repository for City events —gives fans a reason <br />95